In what order do you rate the Indiana Jones Movies

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1. Raiders of the Lost Ark
2. Last Crusade
3. Temple of Doom
4. Crystal Skull
1. Raiders of the Lost Ark (IMHOP) One of the best films ever made !
2. Temple of Doom
3. Last Crusade
4. ... The Crystal something or other
Temple Of Doom - 10/10
Raiders Of The Lost Ark - 10/10
The Last Crusade - 8/10
Kingdom Of The Crystal Skull - 6/10

I know I ranked them before but this time I added ratings for each.
1. Raiders - holds its own as an individual film classic (like Casablanca, yes I went there), has the coolest artifact and villains, and the most sympathetic/likable Indy girl :clap:clap

2. Crusade - Sean Connery is awesome even when he is comic relief, Ford in classic Indy mode, Alison Dooly is really hot and sorta evil, creepy book burning/Hitler "cameo", Holy Grail, African Sparrows, Black Knight, police raid ending, wait...wrong movie...

3. Temple of Doom - Ford is classic Indy, I actually like hearing 'Anything Goes' in Chinese, Mola Ram is really cool villain, heart ripping!!, could've done without Willie and Short Round, though

4. Indy and the Quest for Crystal Nostalgia and More Money - Harrison was okay, but...Karen Allen lost her ability to act, Ray Winstone saying "Jonsey!" made me want to jab a pencil through my ear, John Hurt knows how to act so seeing him as a demented hobo was painful, Shia LaBoeuf constantly recast as the punk kid know-it-all, Aliens! ALIENS!! C'mon Spielburg, what's with your disturbing affinity for aliens (i.e. conspiracy nutjob 'Greys' as opposed to the cool ones that burst through your chest) :impatient:

oh yeah...what else...CGI prarie dogs, nuke the fridge, Cate Blanchett was hot but that's all she was, her 'catch moose and squirrel' fake accent, CGI ants, CGI rope vines, CGI background, CGI script writing...:sleep

the good things: Indy and Mutt in the graveyard, mention of the Nazca Lines, the Russian colonel was a decent villain, indigenous warriors kinda creepy, Sideshow and Hot Toys pushed into bringing back Indy license...:clap
1)Last Crusade
3)Temple of Doom
4)...the are only 3!!!

My list might be different than most, maybe it was because of the different ages I was when the movies came out. I need a HT DX Last Crusade Indi and father...
KotCS isn't so bad in ny opinion, after all nearly all movie revamps are pretty bad so it makes it look great by comparison.

Raiders is the original, and the best.
Compared to the mood and standard set in the originals, KOTCS was a painful letdown. Yes, I semi enjoyed it in the theatre and the ending sequence is much more effective on the big screen. But the opening was terrible and way too cartoonish. There was no authentic feeling of danger or despair on the quest as the whole thing literally felt like a casual reunion party.
Karen Allen was gratingly bad and the scene with the "trust me" as she blindly drives off a cliff to land on a tree which slowly lowers them into water and she smiles like she was in control of the situation is one of the all time worst moments I'm cinematic history. Then they had to recycle the water fall sequence for the love of god. As if Hollywood isn't already in enough of an original ideas depression, we have two of the supposed best doing it to us.
Fact is Raiders is one of the top ten films ever made and the Crystal Skull isn't even near the top 100,....that's quite a fall off and honestly kind of a slap in the face to the fans who grew up with these films.
The sad thing is Lucas fulfilled the anxiety a lot of us had about this film. He Phantom Menaced the Indiana trilogy to his hearts content and has proved to be more of a creative douche than genius these days.

The new Star Wars movies should have been and could have been epic and profound movies that really explored the history of the early Sith and the force as well as Jedi. Imagine if it had opened somewhat like Peter Jacksons LOTR did with a voice in darkness describing the origin of the Jedi and Sith and then showing flashbacks to how the conflict began betwen the two and within the two factions.
Instead he made a McDonalds toy kiddie flick....
That's not an artist....that's a capitalist.
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KOTCS is alright, it just feels somewhat uncreative and lazy compared to the first three. The first Indiana Jones movie in nearly 20 whole years should've been so much better.
Also, maybe a tad unrelated, but what's everyone's favorite action scene in the series? I still love the mine cart chase in TOD although I'm also fond of the truck chase in Raiders.
I already put mine down. But I felt like talking about it again.

I love Raiders the best. It's one of my top 2 action/adventure films of all time. But it was Temple that made me an Indiana Jones fan. I very much know why. I was 13. It was the perfect age for that film. At the time I liked Raiders but being that it had only been in theaters at this point I had only seen it once. I was a tad to young for all the hype. I saw it, I enjoyed it, but I was not in Love.

Temple was the right film at the right age. The Hype machine hit me and hit me hard. I had every poster and clipings from mags all over my walls. It's amazing that my wall did not just fall apart from all the tack holes. When I saw the film I was blown away. Yes Willie screamed to much and Short Round had some bad lines but this film was just so much fun.

I did go through a time when I was down on Temple. I was older and compared it with Raiders with an older more mature eye. But now I find that I enjoy it almost as much as the original. Of course for different reasons but I think it is by far the BEST of the Indy sequals.

Everyone is hard on Shorty but I did not find him nearly as annoying as Marcus Brody in TLC. I also thought that TLC was a bit boring and thought at times it seemed like Ford was mailing it in (much like he did with many of his roles during this time). Love the Tank battle though. A highlight of the series.

Back to TOD. I think what amazes me about TOD is that it takes a little bit for the action to start going but once it does it non stop. It's like the last 40 - 45 min is all action. I don't think any other film had ever done that up to that time. And all the scenes feel so different. You go from the Lava Pit fight to the Slave children rescue to the mine car chase to the bridge fight. Just great stuff. We also get the great Spiked room/bug tunnel scene as well as the excellent Clu Obi Wan fight.

I guess I am going on about this because I see that TOD gets knocked down as the worst of the series - well until Crystal Skull came around - But it is good to see that a lot of members on this board have it at a number two ranking. An underrated gem IMO.
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Also, maybe a tad unrelated, but what's everyone's favorite action scene in the series? I still love the mine cart chase in TOD although I'm also fond of the truck chase in Raiders.

top 10

1. Truck Chase - ROTLA
2. Flying Wing Fight - ROTLA
3. Mine Car Chase - TOD
4. Slave Children Crusade - TOD - John Williams Music has much to do with this.
5. Tank Chase TLC
6. Cario Chase - ROTLA
7. Raiders Opening at temple/escape - ROTLA
8. Bug tunnel/Spike Room - TOD
9. Clu Obi Wan fight/escape - TOD
10. Fight at Ravenwoods Bar - ROTLA