1. Raiders - holds its own as an individual film classic (like Casablanca, yes I went there), has the coolest artifact and villains, and the most sympathetic/likable Indy girl
2. Crusade - Sean Connery is awesome even when he is comic relief, Ford in classic Indy mode, Alison Dooly is really hot and sorta evil, creepy book burning/Hitler "cameo", Holy Grail, African Sparrows, Black Knight, police raid ending, wait...wrong movie...
3. Temple of Doom - Ford is classic Indy, I actually like hearing 'Anything Goes' in Chinese, Mola Ram is really cool villain, heart ripping!!, could've done without Willie and Short Round, though
4. Indy and the Quest for Crystal Nostalgia and More Money - Harrison was okay, but...Karen Allen lost her ability to act, Ray Winstone saying "Jonsey!" made me want to jab a pencil through my ear, John Hurt knows how to act so seeing him as a demented hobo was painful, Shia LaBoeuf constantly recast as the punk kid know-it-all, Aliens! ALIENS!! C'mon Spielburg, what's with your disturbing affinity for aliens (i.e. conspiracy nutjob 'Greys' as opposed to the cool ones that burst through your chest)
oh yeah...what else...CGI prarie dogs, nuke the fridge, Cate Blanchett was hot but that's all she was, her 'catch moose and squirrel' fake accent, CGI ants, CGI rope vines, CGI background, CGI script writing...
the good things: Indy and Mutt in the graveyard, mention of the Nazca Lines, the Russian colonel was a decent villain, indigenous warriors kinda creepy, Sideshow and Hot Toys pushed into bringing back Indy license...