InArt: 1/6 Superman (Cavill)

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Sucks probably won’t get a inart BVS Batman to go with especially since HT dropped the “2.0 or “3.0 😂 I’d totally pickup an inart “all in Affleck Batman set.
I think we would. Hot Toys saw fit to release a new Joker after InArt (and JND after them :lol). And it's not like Hot Toys nailed it with their 2.0. The torso and legs are still missing the taper they desperately need.
What bothers me a fair bit is when stuff is clearly and blatantly wrong and people are fine with it and want others to be ok with it too.
You could say that same sentence about any level of micro inaccuracy. They could get an eyelash wrong and someone could say that- and you would think they were being ridiculous. Different people will always be left wanting more no matter how good something is. I'm sorry that the most accurate 1/6 man of steel ever produced leaves you feeling disappointed.
What bothers me a fair bit is when stuff is clearly and blatantly wrong and people are fine with it and want others to be ok with it too.

Likeness is a bit more flexible with me unless something really pops out that's off. The rest like details and qc depends on how miniscule it is. It's not just money being put down but also the time, anticipation, and enthusiasm of following the project from the beginning.
Wonder Festival next week. Hopefully we finally get a look at Batfleck and an update on Reeve.

Figure looks fantastic, but I still think likeness is toned down, it's eyes and narrower eyebrows they seem slightly altered. Head looks boxy, maybe it’s the lighting illusion idk. I’m sure in person I’ll be satisfied but this prototype was 100% perfect.
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Yeah as good as the figure turned out, it's a shame the sculpt doesn't look quite that good anymore.
I'm not worried about the chrome body reflecting through the suit. Some vids, like Knight's use strong led lights which flatten out everything and kill highlights. Here's my current HT figure, on the left it's photographed in LED light in the Detolf, and on the right it's shot sitting on a shelf in natural (though overcast) light here in my office. Dramatic difference! Lighting is everything.


What does bother me, is how the slack and loose the suit looks in the inner elbows. Look at all those folds! Not sure how I'll fix that.

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What does bother me, is how the slack and loose the suit looks in the inner elbows. Look at all those folds! Not sure how I'll fix that.

Unless you're able to change the joints used or the arms themselves, that's just how it will be. Maybe you can stuff some cut out sponge, foam or something but that kills the articulation.

What I'm noticing now under certain lighting and angles is how angular the inner chest shape is. It affects the silhouette of the insignia.
What bothers me a fair bit is when stuff is clearly and blatantly wrong and people are fine with it and want others to be ok with it too.
You’re never going to happy with anything you buy because nothing it perfect. You might as well either start buying statues or go for custom projects. These things are mass produced and will reflect that. It’s toys, let it go and have fun.
You could say that same sentence about any level of micro inaccuracy. They could get an eyelash wrong and someone could say that- and you would think they were being ridiculous. Different people will always be left wanting more no matter how good something is. I'm sorry that the most accurate 1/6 man of steel ever produced leaves you feeling disappointed.

For the most part I absolutely love this figure. What frustrates me the most though is getting something wrong that even Mattel got right on a 6" figure.
You’re never going to happy with anything you buy because nothing it perfect. You might as well either start buying statues or go for custom projects. These things are mass produced and will reflect that. It’s toys, let it go and have fun.
I'm not asking for perfection, I'm asking for a detail that every other figure got right, even a 6" Mattel figure. I don't really care about a shield being 5% too small or the boots being 2mm too high. That's all subjective and a waste of time debating it. But adding details that aren't there and EVERY other company that made a figure got right? That's a big no from me.