InArt: 1/6 Superman (Cavill)

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Hang in there, guy.

Like what? I don't want to check the video and give him the click. Lol!
He says that reviewers get free stuff from these companies and they don’t do a honest reviews or criticize merchandise. Which is true. We’ve seen visible issues on the figures and none of the “influencers” pointed them out.
The difference is not everybody that follow these influencers are aware of such things. I bet a lot of them aren't even aware of these forums. It does bring awareness. The biggest example is Justin and Toyswonderland. He kept peddling their business to the point of deleting comments about the store until he can't keep a lid on it anymore. Unfortunately, the damage has been done by the time he "acknowledged" the scam.
Might not be the right place, but I think relevant since the video is about the Inart Superman and its reviews-

Personally dislike this guy, guess you can say I hate watched this lmao. To me he comes off as pandering in this. Almost like he has to be contrarian and cater to those who are the same way. He talks about how other youtubers get figures early and he tried to as well but was rejected. Then says that those receiving the early figures have lost their integrity. Like, buddy, you tried to be a part of that group and were told you aren't popular enough. Talking about integrity is funny when this whole thing, to me, comes off as him being bitter that he doesn't fit in with the other youtube "influencers".

I also think the Inart Superman has its inaccuracies, but when he compared it to the 89 Bats debacle I actually laughed out loud. 89 2.0 can be a fine figure, but that suit is wholly inaccurate even more so than the DX09, which is also inaccurate. The suit on Superman has inaccuracies, but is nowhere near as wrong as either 89 suit.

Nobody likes this guy, He is basically danoby lite.
I guess I just always assumed 1/6 scale is 12"

Like I do with 1/12 scale being 6"

I've honestly no clue if it's even correct lol 🤷

1/6 isn't a size, it's a scale. If you're over 6 foot your're larger than 12" in 1/6.

Cavill is 6'1" so at 1/6 the figure should be 30.9 cm.

I butchered my first post (as well as this one) so I measured again, Evans is a fraction shorter than Cavill and Endgame Cap is 31.5, which is too tall for Evans but the boots and helmet might add to that, so yeah, Superman does seem to be too big.

That Mark 45 is a half inch too short though (IM being 6'5") so that [particular comparison is a bad one.

The HT BvS is a fraction over 31.5 so even that one is a quarter inch too tall.
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1/6 isn't a size, it's a scale. If you're over 6 foot your're larger than 12" in 1/6.

Cavill is 6'1" so at 1/6 the figure should be 30.9 cm.

I butchered my first post (as well as this one) so I measured again, Evans is a fraction shorter than Cavill and Endgame Cap is 31.5, which is too tall for Evans but the boots and helmet might add to that, so yeah, Superman does seem to be too big.

That Mark 45 is a half inch too short though (IM being 6'5") so that [particular comparison is a bad one.

The HT BvS is a fraction over 31.5 so even that one is a quarter inch too tall.
I give Cap a little leeway since his in-world bio at the war museum explicitly states that Steve Rogers grew from 5’4” to 6’2” which is taller than Chris Evans and pretty much on par with the figure.

This Cavill is easily 6’6” in 1/6. Ridiculous.