Tobey Spider-man

Just what we need more Spider-man figures.
Considering how subpar the HT efforts are in that regard, you bet I want an InArt Tobey-Man specifically from the Raimi flicks. And I'm not even much of a Spiderfan these days. Come on, InArt's going to be wasting resources on GoT figures, them making one or two Raimi characters, in the event that ever becomes a reality and doesn't stay just wishful thinking, wouldn't eat at them. If InArt's to be making the "Big Guns", I want them to make the T-800, Neo, the Batmen, and yeah, someday a Spider-Man and a Vader. I mean, the same exact thing could be said about Batman. InArt's already dedicating 3 slots to Batman and we've already had countless Batmen.
The way inflation here and the cost of living crisis is going at the moment, only the upper middle class and wealthier will be able to afford anything after utilities and food.
Despite being pretty much fine with how the HT Tobey has turned out, I’d still get an InArt version (and sell of HT) because they’d most certainly use a better suit material and probably find a way to have no visible joints.
I'm skipping the NWH version. I'm not spending 300€ on that. The SM3 SM was my first HT (broke long ago) and to see them still use plastic hands, a least aesthetically pleasing material and still have the seams on the sides, then charge that much more (I got mine for ~130€ shipped back then) a decade later, is unacceptable to me.
As for rooted vs sculpted, rooted's the next step, but I don't know if it'd fit every character. A cut as short as the Terminator's is a tricky thing. Not to mention that then all the sculpted figures would start looking "lesser", and good luck trying to replace your entire collection with 500$ versions. And InArt's the only one doing good rooted sculpts, other companies won't get into it. So if you're interested in any other licence bar the InArt ones, you'll always feel as if those figures aren't up to par. I've got the Iconiq Bateman on PO. InArt would give him rooted hair if they ever made him (highly unlikely). So if I have even a short haired T2 Arnie with rooted, I'll always be looking at my, say, BCS Doctors, Iconiq Bateman, Exo-6 Kirk and so on, and feel unfulfilled.
I'd rather stick to rooted only for certain characters where the hair is long enough to warrant it. Someone like DUNC Paul, sure. Or Wonder Woman. But Cavill Superman, or Bale Wayne; I don't know if I'd be able to drop the money. Now, all that said, I'd still like all of my absolute favourites to get the rooted treatment so as to feel more premium, regardless of hair length, so technically that would make me a hypocrite...
Bah, it's all too complicated.
PS: Just make your parents pay for your dollies. Convince them that it's an investment. What else are those geezers going to spend it on if not their precious kids? Guilt trip them. Fire and brimstone. Never waste your own money. That's how real Sigma Gs roll.