Quick comparison images between Hot Toys Batman (final production) vs INART Batman (WF 23).
Quick notes: INART should update the large gap between the breastplate and upper abdomen section. There shouldn’t be a gap, it should be lined up alongside each other.
The breastplate should sit flush to the body. As-is, it’s protruding a bit.
The entire abdomen area seems more accurate on the Hot Toys. The gaps between each “abs section” are smaller.
Looking at it closer, seems to me INART based theirs off the prop suit and Hot Toys based theirs off Pattinson in the suit costume test.
I prefer the darker irises/eyes on the Hot Toys. INART should really get rid of the crystal blue eyes.
The cowl “nose” sticks out too far on the INART where it’s more streamlined/more accurate on the Hot Toys. It’s as if it’s own piece when it should be more linear.
Nitpicks I guess: Hot Toys belt pouches have more detail. The placement of the triangular carabiner is accurate on the Hot Toys.
Aside from that, I think INART’s is better in every other way. The proportions, the materials, the subtleties of the weathering, the way the cape drapes. Jury’s out on the colors and other variables I bet that I’m not seeing.