I think this is really the crux of our philosophical disagreement. There are a lot of factors that go into Black's photography looking as good as it does: his lighting, his posing, his photo editing, his overall setup, etc. Lose any of those -- or even more than one -- and your figure won't look the same. And I think it's safe to suggest that most people don't have the access to (or the talent for) it all.If you are good at futzing, Black's photos are what the figure will look like in your house. Anything you see of the figure that looks less than that, is not useful, because you can make it look like black's photos if you have talent.
Therefore, saying that you should only use the best possible photos of a figure is a bit like saying you should only look at fashion models when determining if you like an outfit. Just because a set of jeans look good on a supermodel doesn't mean they'll look as good on a normal person. There's a whole subculture of people posting pictures of themselves wearing clothing in online reviews so that people can see how they look in a variety of settings, on different bodies, etc. This is no different.
The truth of the figure doesn't exist in the best photos or the worst. It's somewhere in the aggregate. That's why people like referencing multiple reviews.