Broke and happy
Considering this is what my wife sees first when she wakes up she really likes the prospect of more 1/6 Batman figures on the market for me to choose from lol

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Another thing about accuracy people don't seem to realize, isn't Hot Toys given reference material from early on in a film's production? Concept art, CGI renders etc. When it comes to CGI characters, they can be tweaked by the studio all the way up until release. The ref material Hot Toys or other companies receive might not match what makes it to the final movie.
This is a custom Batman and Superman I ordered from rovanic studioConsidering this is what my wife sees first when she wakes up she really likes the prospect of more 1/6 Batman figures on the market for me to choose from lol
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If you care so much about little details, please Capitalize the first letter of each sentence and words like I.in this hobby. to some, it might matter but to others, it probably won't. detail really matters, even down to the smallest detail. when looking at quality vs quantity. i always favor even the smallest details. with the price they'll be putting on this figure, but assuming its competitively as well. still $300-600 isn't exactly chump change to most people, but whatever is the best representative media that exists for said character, i will line up for if i truly love the character.
personally i think the joker turned out good on a mass produced scale, at least for initial pictures. it of course won't compare to gettin git professionally painted and haired. i still see minor inaccuracies with his hair, but it is still very impressive what they can put out for this price range. anything under $1000 when comparing to customs is really reasonable for what they're charging people.
many artists have proven that there is still more that can be done and that hot toys is playing a very safe and stagnant game. magnetic bases have been a thing. granted i can only really recall kaustic plastik being the big one who's implemented magnetic bases, but i heard some figures had really bad ankles. im just very curious how inart can improve from that without making the whole leg a solid piece.
but due to the nature of how much these things costs. these simply aren't toys. no kid or an adult would label $400 figures as simply a toy. but they can be in someone's eyes, they bought it. details are very appreciated and important even at smaller scales like these, actually more impressive i would say at smaller scales if they are able to capture even the smallest bit of detail. people should be aware of inaccuracies if these companies are attempting to replicate characters from movies into figures at such a high price
This made me laugh b/c I've seen it on Instagram especially with a lot of these $1000+ customs. Lots of those collectors that I've seen spend all their money on the custom that they can't even invest in proper displays. I've seen so many custom collections where their figures are just cluttered and packed together that I'm not sure I'd even call it a display, just rows of different (or even the same character) in a suit. I saw one collection with a row of TDK Jokers that were all the same from the neck down, just different headsculpt paint apps and eye positions all while stuffed together shoulder to shoulder on a single shelf. Everyone obviously can spend their money how they see fit, but when I see displays like that, I wonder how it's even enjoyable at that point. You can't even see the figures behind the first row b/c they're so packed together.The hypocrisy of OCD never gets old.
People can moan about the cut in a screwhead being twisted the wrong way in 1/6th but then they display their collection as a cluttered pile that looks more like an 8-year-old's room than a display of $250+ "movie masterpieces".
Yup just take one good look at Justin’s collection and all the others like him on youtube who literally own almost everything and instead of the collection being impressive it’s just one gigantic eyesore.You have witnessed OCD at work. The "Collecting" is the disease. Once you have a piece, it not longer satisfies that "Collecting" urge. You need a new chase item.
There's a reason marketing calls them "chase" items. There's a reason marketing is all about "collect them all"!
I just put mine in front of the TV where they slightly obscure the viewI just can’t fathom stuffing a $350 collectible in the corner of a shelf behind 8 other $350 collectibles that are blocking it from view.
You createed a scenario where even dusting will take a massive effort that no one will ever repeat twice to do it correctly.
It's the completionism. Especially when you're into lots of different properties, you need one from here, another from there, then you go beyond the main characters (protagonists & antagonists) and into the supporting casts, you follow it up with some "window dressing" and before you know it you've lost the plot. I think the problem is that people PO without having a set plan for displaying and they end with a lot of left-field things. Or they want to represent everything instead of picking and choosing, and it ends up getting way out of hand.I just can’t fathom stuffing a $350 collectible in the corner of a shelf behind 8 other $350 collectibles that are blocking it from view.
You createed a scenario where even dusting will take a massive effort that no one will ever repeat twice to do it correctly.
That's exactly what I mean. That first picture has about 100 figures for sure, but they're broken down in themes and there's space between each and every one, which makes the entire display really work and come off not as a cluttered mess, but as a mini museum. He's got the DC section, the Marvel section, Star Wars, general Sci-Fi, a place for the vehicles; it all works. That's how a collection should be set up. Personally I think it helps to have a blueprint, to plan for figures that might come out based on which IPs are getting new movies or general traction and new merch. I've been into lots of things over the years and even though I don't want to represent everything, it helps me to have two or more possible places to put a Dracula, even if such a figure might be ways off still. But it depends on your style, so different strokes for different folks.This is all soooooo true ! Nothing worse that Justin's "Collection" with so many figured jammed in on top of each other.
Before I got any display shelving I went on a massive google/Youtube/Pinterest search to find the ideal setup for me. Detolfs were out from the get-go as I just didn't like the limitations they have. I just really liked the idea of having figures lined up horizontally with room to breath.
Like most of us I didn't want to spend too much on displays as that money could be spent on figures, right ! But in the end a good display really makes these $250+ figures shine !!
I finally even calculated what shelving gives the best display per area at the lowest cost. I ended up designing my own and making it myself out of wood.
My initial inspiration were these collections (something I may copy later down the line when hopefully I build another house with all this planned in to a movie room),
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So mine ended up like this. I also have a Star Wars display on the opposite side which is getting a bit more "busy". So need to think about what I need to do there.
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This is all soooooo true ! Nothing worse that Justin's "Collection" with so many figured jammed in on top of each other.
Before I got any display shelving I went on a massive google/Youtube/Pinterest search to find the ideal setup for me. Detolfs were out from the get-go as I just didn't like the limitations they have. I just really liked the idea of having figures lined up horizontally with room to breath.
Like most of us I didn't want to spend too much on displays as that money could be spent on figures, right ! But in the end a good display really makes these $250+ figures shine !!
I finally even calculated what shelving gives the best display per area at the lowest cost. I ended up designing my own and making it myself out of wood.
My initial inspiration were these collections (something I may copy later down the line when hopefully I build another house with all this planned in to a movie room),
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View attachment 593139
So mine ended up like this. I also have a Star Wars display on the opposite side which is getting a bit more "busy". So need to think about what I need to do there.
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