Okay now you've all got me paranoid wondering whether my collection looks decent or not

So I may as well ask what you think.
My collection slowly started to take over the living room, so I've now had my collection banished to a single (not that large) room (for the moment.... we will return to reclaim what is ours).
Given the relative lack of space I do what I can and hope it looks good - people always seem impressed when they take the tour.... but I myself wish I had a little more room to spread out and I need to finally figure out a lighting situation (any recommendations?)
I always try to put characters together that make sense or have some sort of common theme, franchise etc.
I have recently lost a couple of cabinets through a series of events I'd rather not get into and started to space my figures among my bookcases (where the themes/books make sense)
So what's your verdict?
Apologies for the pictures inbound both the amount and quality - my camera leaves a lot to be desired and I lack the natural photography skills to compensate.
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This is the comic book half of the room - the bookcase and the cabinet next to it are dedicated to Batman, the central cabinet is Marvel characters, the cabinet on the left is an assortment of comic book characters. On top of these detolfs I have my Spiderman villains collection (I now need a Spiderman to go with them)
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BookCase shelves: Eaglemoss Batman animated series and Arkham series figurines - I enjoy having something to represent these versions of the characters.
Bookcase top: Prime 1/Blitzway Phoenix Joker deluxe
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Cabinet on the right:
Bottom shelf: My Toys Era Humorist and Bullet Head Mentally Ill diorama shelf.
Third shelf: Sideshow Classic Harley, HT Arkham Joker and Mondo Harley Quinn 'Waiting for Mistah J' statue.
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Second shelf: My Burtonverse Characters - 1/4 NECA Catwoman and Mayoral Penguin, to accomodate for their height I have the figures on the top shelf standing on an acrylic half-shelf: allowing the Penguin and Catwoman to stand above where the shelf should be.
Top Shelf: HT 1989 Joker, Mime Joker and HT Returns Keaton
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Middle Cabinet:
Bottom shelf: My Xmen Shelf - Toys Era 'The Tank' holding a HT Deadpool (who seems to be very happy with being carried like a princess) + Figuremasters Xavier and Magneto - to accomodate Juggernauts enormous height I have placed the shelf above on adjustable detolf pegs/clamps to make the bottom shelf a custom height.
Middle Shelf: HT Thanos, Nebula, Gamora and Yondu - once again to compensate for Thanos' height I used adjustable detolf shelf pegs/clamps.
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Top shelf: HT Winter Soldier, Endgame Captain America, Avengers Iron-Man, Infinity War Thor, Dr Strange (solo movie) - having made adjustments for the bottom 2 shelves due to the height of their figures I had now lost a shelf in this cabinet and had a strange amount of space on this shelf using the adjustable pegs. So I used this plus another acrylic half shelf to display more figures and allowing me to pose my Iron Man in mid-flight the difference in height and by putting the 2 figures in the back in the spaces between the 3 at the front I feel (and hope) it shows them all off equally with none of them looking lost or overcrowded. Admittedly my photo here is pretty poor at conveying this as I seem to have held the phone at a lower angle.
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Cabinet on the left: dedicated to sort of spill-over from the other 2 cabinets.
Bottom shelf: HT Zod and Art Figure's 'Master of Ocean'
Third shelf: HT Loki and Hela, Soosootoys Classic Trickster
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Second Shelf: My Nolanverse villains - HT DX11 Joker 2.0, HT Two-Face, a 1/6 Cillian Murphy Scarecrow HT knockoff I got from ebay
Top shelf: My Justice League/Trinity shelf - HT BVS Batman and Superman, HT JL Wonder-Woman, Eaglemoss justice League figures (I wish I had more room on the comic bookcase for these tbh - does it cheapen the shelf?)
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Top of the detolfs: My Spidey Villains - Jazzinc Vulture, Toys Era The Fiend (deluxe) and The Ock, HT Mysterio - hoping to eventually pick up a Spiderman, and that Lizard 3rd party.... not really interested in Elecktro or Venom.
Thoughts so far?