InArt - The Batman 1/6th Figure

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I had that same thought but if I'm already paying $760, I might as well just go all out, hence why I did. :lol $230 for the spotlight and the second raccoon rooted hair, why not at that point.

I'm cool with splurging on these figures. Not buying much else figure wise these days anyways.
This is sort of my thinking with InArt in general. If I'm going to spend this kind of money on some figures, might as well go all-in.

Just haven't decided if I want this one. Glad there's a longer PO window
Imagine if IA pull a sideshow stunt and the prototypes they teased look nothing like the final product. We’re all screwed then 😂
I’d argue they’re more screwed than we are. The trick isn’t to get $1,000 out of one guy one time. It’s to get $1,000 out of one guy ten times. Everybody’s worried they’re gonna **** the bed. I am, but I also know if they do, it’s not only catastrophic for this brand, it’s going to do a lot of damage to Queen’s already established reputation. I can’t imagine anyone would come out swinging like this without at least some idea how they’re going to execute it.
I like this version of bruce wayne because he reminds me of myself. Not in the badass sense tho just that I too can go a month without taking a shower

For $500 that figure better stink
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All this talk about customs sculpts really hits something I’ve been thinking about a lot lately. I don’t want to trash any specific artist, but I feel like I see a new TDK/Rises Bruce Wayne sculpt every week and they all have these strange slack jawed expressions with razor blade lips and each one looks weirder and more simian than the last.

There’s a newer Ra’s sculpt out there that’s become popular that looks nothing like Neeson IMO either. It’s bizarre seeing people sell what seem like far superior older sculpts, like the Jnix Ra’s, because someone made a new one.

There’s also Modern Life who seems to do great work but focus on random stuff like Rises Bane for 10 years and I think their most recent product was boots for that figure… Hot Toys Bane has a lot of issues but idk where the demand for better boots for that specific figure comes from.

It’s almost like a phony elitism drives some of the high end custom work rather than the actual benefit to the figure.
I think your bat-light is way too big...
I just have it lifted up behind them but if I bring it down to their feet level it looks more accurate. Hard to say without them giving dimensions though. Doesn't seem that far off with that one photo they showed. Might even be under scaled in my version in comparison. In the Inart photo, both Batman and the spotlight are on the same ground level and it reaches to the top of his head when slightly tilted upwards.


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I should have gotten the All In set but I don't mind paying them off one at a time. So definitely getting Bruce and the Bat signal. Also speaking of price of a custom rooted sculpt and full figure usually a Bruce Wayne as such would also cost $3500 or so depending on who is making it. This figure for what it is costs $380 and that's for the rooted version which is also a steal. Lol
Why would anyone pay 3k for a tiny 1/6 scale head when you can get a full 1/3 scale statue for half that price? Boggles my mind.
Why would anyone pay 3k for a tiny 1/6 scale head when you can get a full 1/3 scale statue for half that price? Boggles my mind.
danzo and adam gu heads are around that price point. scale is a factor for me. but priorities are different. i would rather have a 1/6 figure done by artists from the ground up than buy a mass produced statue, not too fond of statues tbh and their big ass boxes. i got burnt buying a prime1 statue, wasn't impressed at all
Don’t even tell me this doesn’t impress you!

View attachment 594897

One of the first figures I ever bought. Loved it for the time but wow haven't things progressed since!

I would too. I'm hoping SooSoo makes one eventually to at least have an update from the original HT. Their Arrowverse Kingdom Come one is ok, but I think they can do better. But I have always wanted a really, really nice Routh Superman. I edited my post b/c for some reason I left that out. So far, no custom artist has been able to reproduce the patterned suit and I've tried asking around a couple years ago to get something off the ground to no avail.

At the time it did, especially compared to the DC Direct figure and the Medicom which is all we had at the time. I remember some ppl choosing the Medicom simply b/c the boots allowed the feet to point down for flying poses. Then we got the 2-in-1 set which was actually pretty nice but the headsculpts were a step back compared to the V1 individual Superman and Clark Kent figures.

Yes a soosoo one is my main hope.

Superman is your Kryptonite.

Damn. You’ve found me out.
All this talk about customs sculpts really hits something I’ve been thinking about a lot lately. I don’t want to trash any specific artist, but I feel like I see a new TDK/Rises Bruce Wayne sculpt every week and they all have these strange slack jawed expressions with razor blade lips and each one looks weirder and more simian than the last.

There’s a newer Ra’s sculpt out there that’s become popular that looks nothing like Neeson IMO either. It’s bizarre seeing people sell what seem like far superior older sculpts, like the Jnix Ra’s, because someone made a new one.

There’s also Modern Life who seems to do great work but focus on random stuff like Rises Bane for 10 years and I think their most recent product was boots for that figure… Hot Toys Bane has a lot of issues but idk where the demand for better boots for that specific figure comes from.

It’s almost like a phony elitism drives some of the high end custom work rather than the actual benefit to the figure.
With all due respect, isn’t the very definition of “phony elitism” looking down your nose and deriding something you don’t take the time to completely understand?

If you mean to imply that anyone is happy paying excessive amounts of money for an inferior sculpt, then I must respectfully disagree with your conclusion. I don’t know of anyone who fits that profile.

Custom sculpts typically don’t just appear and get offered for sale. If that was the case, then clearly, no one would be purchasing any expensive inferior sculpts (please note that the term “inferior” is used as a purely subjective term). They’re usually organized in runs where interest is first expressed, purchasing commitments are made, and deposits are taken. This is done because no reputable artist is going to spend hundreds of hours (or more) of their own time sculpting (and the expense of casting) for nothing. Depending on the artist’s interpretation of the subject, along with their skill, they deliver their best work. Some results may be construed as better than others, but again, it is a sculpture done by an artist, not a chevy coming off an assembly line.

In the end, all of us “phony elites” pay the artist in full for their best work and receive our sculpts. Clearly, based on this model, the long term viability of any particular artist is based on the level of satisfaction that one has with their work. I hope you now understand that seeing a bunch of inferior sculpts (your opinion) is not an indication of popularity.

As a sort of side note, you very rarely see an artist speaking poorly of another. The exception being when one feels their work has been stolen or they have been artistically wronged somehow. Generally speaking, they have a high level of integrity and can be trusted.
They’re usually organized in runs where interest is first expressed, purchasing commitments are made, and deposits are taken. This is done because no reputable artist is going to spend hundreds of hours (or more) of their own time sculpting (and the expense of casting) for nothing.
So these artists don't want to risk losing hours of work but they think that it is perfectly reasonable for people to risk thousands of dollars committing to an imaginary purchase! And based on what 😂😂 trust?

I have seen so many times these runs come out looking like ****. I have to agree with OT on his assessment but I would point my finger more at the artists then the buyers. Many of these so called artists fit the bill of "phony elitists" and seem to lack the sense of dedication or commitment to there work and look like they are only motivated by the business side of things. They don't want to take any risk and do not care about what they deliver to people but just push the first thing they have out of the door because 1) they already got payed and 2) they think their name is more important than the quality of their work whereas a true artist will take risks and make sure that they will deliver the best work they can.
I want to know how the Batsignal is powered. The listing just says 'With light up feature.'
USB powered seems like the obvious answer but there's no mention of cables. Perhaps InArt would view a random wire leading out the back of the piece as breaking realism.

They definitely need to adopt a more deatiled approach to their package listings; we need dimensions, materials, points of articulation, are the boots split-cut or single piece flexible material, power sources, wired cape or not, what's removable and how- magnets, velco, poppers, mushroom pegs etc. There are still too many unanswered questions.
This Batsuit replicates the movie prop wonderfully so lets hear about how that was achieved. Clearly a crap ton of R&D went into making this thing look as accurate as it does and then all you get in the listing is - 'One Batsuit.'

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