InArt - The Batman 1/6th Figure

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From Dean's new video
I think you're taking his statment the wrong way. Issues like this are being blamed on Inart, but you wouldnt know it's a design flaw unless it happened to a certain frequency. If you release x product and only 1% fail, that's just normal failure rate. The reverse of 'mine failed, so the design must be bad' is equally a bad premise under similar conditions. It's obviously happening, so the next step is to figure out if it's user error.

A certain number of take out coffee cups fail and leak. Is that a design flaw?...maybe, maybe not. I'd like to see them add an optional crotch grabber for those that want piece of mind. That would solve it for everyone. Maybe a flat metal base that goes under the normal stand with an arm that has a crotch grabber on it would work. That way you can still use the original stand. Or they could offer an added extension that clips behind the stand with the grabber on it.

I haven't had any issues with my magnetic stands from Inart. Although, my Infinite statues magnetic stands do feel much stronger.
Good points all around. My quip about software testing was also not meant as "I have a problem, so it must be universal", that indeed would be equally bad.

To elaborate, my take is this:

1) Personal experience.
I have been displaying my figures without stands for over 10 years. That includes previous HT MMS and DX Joker releases with a similar shoe shape. I often do quite dynamic poses where a figure needs to delicately balanced, and I repose my figures regularly. Overall, I rarely have a figure fall over.
Over the last year, Joker has fallen over more times (I think about 4 times) than all others combined (which was actually zero IIRC). These weren't even particularly dynamic poses, and since the first time it happened, I paid particular care to his stability when reposing. And when he falls over, it's not the next day, but weeks or months later.

2) Frequency of mentions.
Since this figure was released ~1.5 years ago, there have been regular mentions of the figure falling over. Of course I have no idea how high the actual percentage is, maybe it's less than 1%. But it is significant in the sense that you hardly see this happening in this hobby. How often does a figure consistently get comments about not being able to stand?
And from what I've read, the reports are also mostly about Joker - for Pennywise, Gandalf or now Batman I haven't read consistent complaints about this.

3) Seasoned collectors report the issue.
Seeing @davejames post above, he's a longstanding member who knows his way around dynamic and natural posing. If experienced members report the same, that gives a greater weight to it (for me).

The next question is where the problem comes from, and when it occurs. Is it design or QC? Maybe there are multiple reasons at play.
One reason could be the magnetic base. It's a fairly novel feature in 1:6, so it could that collectors are not using it properly due to inexperience. Since I never even took the base out of the box that's not the reason for me, but it still could be an/the important factor for others.

However, as I posted above, my Joker clearly has bad feet that don't allow him to stand flat with the entire feet - a part is always off balance. I have no idea if this is a QC fluke or a design error so I'm very curious if others have this.
But what I do know is this: the shoes I posted are from my sculpted Joker from one of the first batches from OSK (I got him early March '23). I just checked my rooted deluxe set, which was from the very last batch in June (when he was "in stock" at OSK), and both figures have the exact same problem on both feet.
Maybe I just got extremely unlucky, but at the very least it's an issue that didn't simply occur once.
Quick question:
Has anyone's Inart Batman's ears came bent. Did a hot blower fix it?
Seems inevitable that most will have the bent ears so the first thing I did was just dip the ears in a very small pot of boiling water for about thirty seconds, which completely straightened them out- then I popped the head back in the foam box.
Seems inevitable that most will have the bent ears so the first thing I did was just dip the ears in a very small pot of boiling water for about thirty seconds, which completely straightened them out- then I popped the head back in the foam box.
This is so simple but genius. I can’t believe I didn’t think about this ahaha.

Lucky for me I’m the most boring collector and I’ll probably get scolded on here for saying it but I actually don’t open any of my figures I’ve bought in the recent years and I try keeping them all sealed and brand new
We're all weird in our own way. Otherwise we don't belong here.
I think the only figures I would be keen on opening though if they do come into production will be a new 1/6 Jungle Hunter Predator or a new 1/6 Xenomorph, preferably the Big Chap. Then again I might just buy two if they do bring them out just so I can still have one sealed like a mad man. 😂

I’ll definitely have my Inart Batman sealed in the box though as I still have my Inart Joker in the box sealed also.

I swear the only way I get my fix by not opening my figures though is just watching a ton of reviews on YouTube.
Lucky for me I’m the most boring collector and I’ll probably get scolded on here for saying it but I actually don’t open any of my figures I’ve bought in the recent years and I try keeping them all sealed and brand new
Ah, you're one of those MiB collectors. I'd think twice in the case of Hot Toys -- they tend to degrade when sealed up. 😬
Ah, you're one of those MiB collectors. I'd think twice in the case of Hot Toys -- they tend to degrade when sealed up. 😬
Ahaha don’t give me a heart attack like that mate 😂 nah honestly I keep them all stored in a dark room that’s always a cool temperature. I guess even if they are degrading, I won’t know that they are so what you don’t know doesn’t hurt you 😎
You're committed now, Meda. Don't open them. One molecule of air on those figures and...
It's funny, looking back on my collecting experience. I started with only a couple of characters, displayed very casually in the living space. Over years I built up a carefully curated, even obsessively curated collection, the odd custom -- still small relative to what I've seen here, but definitely committed, especially with the '89 Batmobile.

I get within spitting distance of THE PERFECT DISPLAY and lose all interest. Sell it off without regrets. I've come full circle in that I have only three figures scattered about the house, but the obsessive aspect just ... gone. Yeah, I want them to look good. But I no longer care if they're 'perfect'. Just most of the way there in my eyes is fine.

I guess the MISB collectors are ... what ... the diametric opposite to me? Maybe.