InArt: The Lord of the Rings - Aragorn 1:6

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I'm personally not seeing how people are viewing the sculpted hair version as superior. I get that everyone has their own preferences, but after looking at the rooted pics where people have put some effort into styling the hair, the sculpted one just looks so plasticky and toy-like in comparison.

Edit: @Guillalite Has basically just said the same but in more a succinct way!
Because no matter how everyone says "you just need to style the hair", the rooted version always look worse. I'm not surprised tho, rooted hair always look like ****, I honestly don't get the hype (with the hair, apart from that the figure is looking great).
Looks good to me.

Gandalf looks good, Batman looks good. Rooted hair is great when it’s done well.
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I agree that the "real" hair, when sculpted well, can make it look more like a miniature, real human. But even in the very best case it still won't look 100% like a miniature person, and something will be off about it. When it tries to get so close but doesn't, there can actually be a kind of creepy "uncanny valley" unpleasantness when seeing something. That isn't always the case with this figure, though when the hair isn't done very precisely and very well it can be revealed pretty quickly. I noticed that on a Pattinson sculpt someone was posting about recently on this forum where it was off-putting and disturbing to me on a gut level.

So aesthetically, I generally prefer sculpted even when the real hair is styled very well, as the last photo here shows. That's subjective of course but there is a certain charm in sculpted hair on these dolls when it is done well. I often do enjoy having toys with distinctive toy characteristics. The stylistic choices and craftsmanship of how they are sculpted are also things to be appreciated. Same goes for the various Jokers we have seen over the years and Pattinson Batman.

I say this having a figure with real hair on my display (Cheungkinmen's Teen Wolf), so I can appreciate that in some circumstances. But personally I think it works better on something a bit fantastic like Beetlejuice or Teen Wolf. I do think the Gandalf looks terrific, and in that case the sculpted hair might be distracting because it would be so overwhelming. But in that case it also looks so wacky and fantastic with all the hair that it isn't going to run into issues that you get trying to do realistic, typical hair situation.
A new photo of Mandy Burton from FB.
Almost the same as the previous one, but a little bit different
The rooted looks a lot worse than sculpted.

Own a couple of rooted hair figures and I hate them. The hair gets frizzy and I don't know how to or want to completely style hair.

Everyone here agreed, the rooted hair looks bad....a few on here are obviously lying about a 500 dollar figure because that's what we do to justify purchases.

I ordered the rooted hair and regret it. I think the rooted hair makes him seem like he has a big forehead and widens his features....looks bad.
Erhmm, "Everyone here agreed..." nope, most def not everyone, I would never go for a sculpted version over a rooted one.
Sculpted looks toyish/plastic even with a good headsculpt.
But yeah apples and oranges.
You can be happy with your choice just like everyone else with theirs, whatever that choice might be.
At this point I really can't tell anymore if it's just trolling when it's so easily disproven just by scrolling for a few minutes that the majority here thinks the rooted hair looks bad, quite the opposite actually.

In any case I'm very happy with mine. Didn't even need to style the hair or anything, it just looked great out of the box but maybe it's just mine.
Excellent photos recently, but why does one eye always have to be a bit wonky lol. You'd think that would be noticed setting up the shot or in some post processing.
*Gloomily* this isn't one of those things where you have to go in, and remove a connecting bar so you can move the eyes individually, because they might not have been attached straight to begin with?
At this point I really can't tell anymore if it's just trolling when it's so easily disproven just by scrolling for a few minutes that the majority here thinks the rooted hair looks bad, quite the opposite actually.

In any case I'm very happy with mine. Didn't even need to style the hair or anything, it just looked great out of the box but maybe it's just mine.
Well the person that said that thinks Aragorn is a miss anyway.