InArt: The Lord of the Rings - Aragorn 1:6

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Yeah, that doesn't make any sense at all. Why would the premium version come with one less accessory than the standard?
Great shot from facebook just now. Credit Hyatt Law.

View attachment 723975

Looks exceptional! Best I think the hair has looked so far on the premium versions.
It's been present in pretty much every review so far apart from the last two posted videos.
Suprisingly received my invoice from KGHobby today.
Nice. You’re my reference point then since I paid upfront. If I don’t get my Awaiting Shipment email when you do, I can assume KG have overlooked me again.
That was a one-off promotion coming from KG, though. Their shipping costs are pretty steep, usually.
Their shipping has increased by about 70% since I first started buying from them maybe around 2018. It’s the main factor that’s pushing them out of consideration.

But I will still compare their prices against Kit and GunDamit when I want something and just go with the best deal so, one-time promotion or not- they won in the ‘who can save me the most money’ battle for my Aragorn PO.
My guess would be from these screen shots you provided, is that whoever that person purchased from was not an authorized retailer. Therefore they did not get the cloak.

If not that, then they over looked it or an InArt QC issue where some cloaks were missed.
That was me, back when they made the announcement for the update last April. The wording on the INART announcement, "Official Self-supporting channel special accessories" was what I was asking clarification for. So I should have said only authorized retailers (INART + those in the licensed regions), rather than just direct from INART, would include the cloak, from what I was told when I asked. I don't know how that would work exactly, but that could be the solution to why some seem to not be receiving the cloak.
Kit has confirmed multiple times that the premium will include that rangers cloak.
All I'm saying is some people may not be getting the cloak because of this exclusive authorized system. Maybe there has been some miscommunication somewhere, or Kit somehow fits into the "authorized" category? Both the Inart representative on FB, and Sugo Toys are saying that they (Sugo) will not be including the cloak.
I'm confused also I asked kit and he said he doesn't know as he hasn't opened any.

If it's the case of only some have gotten it that's bs and a pi** take, inart keep pulling this and they are gonna have some really annoyed customers.

I've just sold my batch 1 haven't opened as I have a 2nd on order so want to be sure before I ship out as I've not opened mine.