They’re the same. The lighting is just a little different and the sculpted hair just makes it look different.Is t just me or do these sculpts look just a little different. Almost like the sculpted hair one looks more lively?
They’re the same. The lighting is just a little different and the sculpted hair just makes it look different.Is t just me or do these sculpts look just a little different. Almost like the sculpted hair one looks more lively?
There are gloves so you do not "stain" it with greasy fingersThis is my thinking. I’d definitely want to put him behind glass no matter what. I don’t think I’ll touch it too much but I’d be afraid to touch it at all with rooted hair.
So, premium or standard? I wasn't tempted by their previous releases, but I pulled the trigger on the premium for this guy. Hopefully we'll have at the very least in-hand pics of him before I have to decide on adding Legolas.I am totally blown away.
And 'I'm in' for Gandalf and Aragorn... and no doubt Legolas.
Can't praise this figure enough based on pictures. It does look like InArt's best figure yet. Pretty amazing considering what they showed just a few months ago.
So, premium or standard?
*Shrug*. IMO there's room for everything, for me yeah I love a great sculpt like everyone, but ASMUS has managed to pull off beautifully detailed clothes, a whole set of diecast weapons for Gimli and 2 swords for Thorin (Orcrist being detailed AND tinted); great small diorama backgrounds.What the actual ****, that's phenomenal. I quite literally went slackjawed going through the photos. WOW.
One of the most peculiar things which blows me away was I hadn't noticed looking through the listings the difference between sculpted vs rooted. I was waiting for some elaborate base or extra to make an appearance. That's some -insanely- good sculpted hair, it's spot on to the framing and look Aragorn often has.
Oooohho this is tough. Gandalf is rooted by default...this is a way to go all in on rooted for the wallet says no but my heart says all in on InArt LOTR. This is the type of line that you get to keep in the living room display because your SO loves LOTR just as much.
I oddly feel bad for Asmus. They seem to actually like the source material, since isn't Andy (I think his name is) ex-Weta? It must be pretty gutting to see this roll out of the gate for another company. How can you measure up to that after working on the license all these years? Credit where credit is due, the GTW release was a massive step forward, but then came Boromir and we went right back.
I don't want to condemn Asmus the way I have Sideshow, but I feel like they should play to their strengths and do a creatures of Middle Earth line. Orcs, Uruks, Nazgul, etc. Much like Sideshow had a shot to make supporting cast creatures for Star Wars, Asmus could really exist alongside InArt in a complementary fashion. I know the availability of each respective brand's product is different, but...
I can understand. Only rooted item I'll have is 1/3 JND Superman statue, which gonna stay in the sealed glass for eternity and nobody gonna touch it lol For 1/6 I prefer sculpted for many reasons... While I keep them in the cabinet with a glass window,take a good care,time to time I still touch them with gloves,pose them and take pictures. I'm very picky person and if single hair strand doesn't stand as it should be I get a mental breakdownThis is my thinking. I’d definitely want to put him behind glass no matter what. I don’t think I’ll touch it too much but I’d be afraid to touch it at all with rooted hair.
Hi Kit - just curious - anyone who has ever sold anything finds flaky buyers frustrating, people who say they'll buy your figure and then back out. Therefore I don't want to be such a person myself - indeed, I already ordered and then cancelled the Inart Joker from you and was embarrassed at having done so regardless of the reasons I had.the site laggy for me too but seems its fine now
It’s like you have two or three days to buy this expensive figure.
For the premium at least. Kit is til the 9th and KG Hobby is til the 10th. Not sure about others.Do we only have 2-3 days to PO this?
I think we are adult enough here to not jump on hype trainsHi Kit - just curious - anyone who has ever sold anything finds flaky buyers frustrating, people who say they'll buy your figure and then back out. Therefore I don't want to be such a person myself - indeed, I already ordered and then cancelled the Inart Joker from you and was embarrassed at having done so.
But here's the problem, these Inart figures are creating huge hype while seemingly offering very limited windows of opportunity in which they can be ordered. This inevitably creates intense 'fear of missing out' and I expect a lot of people will order completely on impulse something which perhaps wasn't even on their radar the previous day. Impulse preorders have the highest likelihood of being cancelled when people come to their senses or something else comes up in life which means they cannot proceed with the purchase.
Will cancellations of preorders create a huge headache for you as a retailer with these figures or is it only a problem if people expect the NRD refunded?
4th Q 2023Oh wow. Didn't know.
I also missed when this is expected to release? Anyone know?