Finally getting a chance to unbox Gandalf
Open the Kit box, and there's the Inart box, and it's got the corner protectors, but they're taped on under InArt tape and I'm like, "How do I get these corners off without tearing up the brown box? Oh boy this is gonna decrease the value of the item if the brown shipper has been ripped off by the tape"
So, I just slice the tape up, and open it up ... ANOTHER BROWN BOX!!!!
What the heck?!?! They had protection for the brown shipper!!! Now I know why this figure costs so much.
But the thing that has already blown me away is that when you cut open the top of the box, and slide the figure box out ... they put the figure box in upside down, so when you slide it out of the brown shipper, the figure box is right side up.
I'm already astounded and I haven't even seen the figure yet.