InArt: The Lord of the Rings - Legolas 1:6

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Convinced my other bro to PO Legolas while watching The Hobbit today. If they make Thorin, I guess he’s also joining his collection. Perks of having family members who are also into collecting 1/6, is that I get to enjoy figures I’m not interested for my own collection. Saves me money too!
Ok, I went ahead and preordered Legolas. Wasn't happy about the high price but at this point I definitely need to collect all the figures from my favorite set of films.
You did right. I also wasn't impressed with the price, but because my Gandalf and Aragorn are so good, there can be no turning back now on this line for me. Reckon I'm in for the long haul! :yess:
I'm still... collating.
---Shrug--- Well, I ordered him after all - because Legolas, tho I'd be a lot more enthusiastic if it had been Thorin - and I certainly don't plan on "replacing" my ASMUS figs. As it is, only ordered him because I could shave the cost somewhat going through PopCultcha + pennies and can ditch the PO if early release pictures show a disaster. Also had to deal with the fact IMO this is 100$ overpriced, probably more. Same cheap cloak, plastic boots (which I am honestly disappointed about😥) but nice accessories tho not many of those.

Plus he's not due out - according to Popcultcha - until November next year so can forget about the fact that for roughly the same amount I could get a Nazgul+ horse at PopCultcha at the moment.:rolleyes:

This is gonna be interesting with that glued-in hairline and braids. :monkey3 Tho admittedly whatever glue InArt uses is pretty magical stuff, wish I knew what it was. Anyway, thanks PopCultcha, not the first time for me they've been a go-to. Or maybe I should be thanking exchange rates. Might as well lock in orders before our next President stirs the pot, supposedly.

PS. At the moment I could still go through OSK and order him. Maybe everyone is broke and/or got wind of the Aragorn hair issues. Standard Aragorn still available there too.
---Shrug--- Well, I ordered him after all - because Legolas, tho I'd be a lot more enthusiastic if it had been Thorin - and I certainly don't plan on "replacing" my ASMUS figs. As it is, only ordered him because I could shave the cost somewhat going through PopCultcha + pennies and can ditch the PO if early release pictures show a disaster. Also had to deal with the fact IMO this is 100$ overpriced, probably more. Same cheap cloak, plastic boots (which I am honestly disappointed about😥) but nice accessories tho not many of those.

Plus he's not due out - according to Popcultcha - until November next year so can forget about the fact that for roughly the same amount I could get a Nazgul+ horse at PopCultcha at the moment.:rolleyes:

This is gonna be interesting with that glued-in hairline and braids. :monkey3 Tho admittedly whatever glue InArt uses is pretty magical stuff, wish I knew what it was. Anyway, thanks PopCultcha, not the first time for me they've been a go-to. Or maybe I should be thanking exchange rates. Might as well lock in orders before our next President stirs the pot, supposedly.

PS. At the moment I could still go through OSK and order him. Maybe everyone is broke and/or got wind of the Aragorn hair issues. Standard Aragorn still available there too.
In other words, you really like the Legolas figure by INART and can’t resist it despite your narrative you’re clinging to
---Shrug--- Well, I ordered him after all - because Legolas, tho I'd be a lot more enthusiastic if it had been Thorin - and I certainly don't plan on "replacing" my ASMUS figs. As it is, only ordered him because I could shave the cost somewhat going through PopCultcha + pennies and can ditch the PO if early release pictures show a disaster. Also had to deal with the fact IMO this is 100$ overpriced, probably more. Same cheap cloak, plastic boots (which I am honestly disappointed about😥) but nice accessories tho not many of those.

Plus he's not due out - according to Popcultcha - until November next year so can forget about the fact that for roughly the same amount I could get a Nazgul+ horse at PopCultcha at the moment.:rolleyes:

This is gonna be interesting with that glued-in hairline and braids. :monkey3 Tho admittedly whatever glue InArt uses is pretty magical stuff, wish I knew what it was. Anyway, thanks PopCultcha, not the first time for me they've been a go-to. Or maybe I should be thanking exchange rates. Might as well lock in orders before our next President stirs the pot, supposedly.

PS. At the moment I could still go through OSK and order him. Maybe everyone is broke and/or got wind of the Aragorn hair issues. Standard Aragorn still available there too.
Yeah, that is good sensible thinking. I too thought if he turns out to be a pile of you know what, I could bail and lose the deposit. But having said that, I think he will be great. InArt is going to have a lot riding on this Legolas release, especially with the price increase so they know they have to deliver. I feel very happy and confident in ordering him and the deluxe Nazgul.
In other words, you really like the Legolas figure by INART and can’t resist it despite your narrative you’re clinging to
I don't REALLY like it. Wish I did. (So far, since all we have is the proto). I think the sculpt is off - more Hobbit, actually (which for me is a plus) than LOTR. It's like their sculpt model was the older Bloom, rather than LOTR Bloom. I'm not gonna get excited about an unfinished square of velour (council cloak) and some poly clay lembas that a 10 year old could make. I don't even remember Legolas eating in the films.

(I REALLY like the Thorin proto:love which was pretty jaw dropping at least the face, and the fact that InArt might include Thorin's cloak, something I really want - it's a pretty complex piece of clothing as cloaks go, with the leather binding and dwarf pattern clasps - at least in real life).

But the InArt Legolas looks like the only 1/6 Legolas coming out for who knows how long, if ever. Based on Aragorn I figure the weapons will be very nice. Decent body. I'm uneasy (and this is true of WETA pieces as well) that both with the passage of time, and new films/directors at some point IMO there'll be an end to Peter Jackson's/WETA's "look" for Middle Earth. I can't think even with the Gollum movie they will keep stuffing Legolas into the same outfit, like elves never change their clothes. And I haven't heard of anyone else getting an LOTR 1/6 license.

Just wait for the weirdness when someone else decides to remake LOTR and wants to be "edgy" like the silly metrosexual elves in ROP. So this will top off my LOTR figs nicely with ASMUS' Thranduil.
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Yeah, that is good sensible thinking. I too thought if he turns out to be a pile of you know what, I could bail and lose the deposit. But having said that, I think he will be great. InArt is going to have a lot riding on this Legolas release, especially with the price increase so they know they have to deliver. I feel very happy and confident in ordering him and the deluxe Nazgul.
Well, I'm emotionally scarred after all😱, considering how my Aragorn #1 came out of the box, without me going through it all again....tho yes it turned out OK eventually.

TBH think the Nazgul/horse will be stellar, because from what I've seen InArt excels with weapons, small details like the horse tack which is pretty complicated.

I hope Legolas will be great - for any company mostly I am wary of the glued-in hairline; e.g. the production people will need to be on the ball. And I'm confident of the body. For myself not worried about magnets/no magnets as think Legolas either needs to be with Thranduil or a decent diorama setting or - with Aragorn and Gimli. Thankfully I own 2 Asmus Gimlis. E.g. I want one "hunters" display and one Helm's Deep - TTT is my favorite of the LOTR films.

This was my thinking at first - I would have been ok shredding $40-50 - but not the $75 or whatever it was with Kit.
I've got some points at OSK but will save them for whatever. And anyway at the moment PopCultcha's price was pretty good, compared to like BBTS. If not for that I wouldn't have ordered. I still can't figure out what InArt is thinking, they don't even give Legolas a lot of arrows.

PS, Sugo Toys has him too at ~450 U.S., plus shipping, at the moment.
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See, even with OSK's higher NRD, I still feel pretty comfortable cancelling if something goes off the rails. In my mind, that money is already "gone," in a sense. That said, between my positive experience with Aragorn and the superior returns on Paul Atreides thus far, I have little concern that this Legolas won't please.