Super Freak
Fantastic job. I also used model color from Vallejo. After seeing your repaints, I love this head.
Thanks. I'm by no means an expert but I've been using Vallejo Model Color paints. I LOVE the eye dropper style container so I waste less paint this way. it's also very smooth and has some nice flesh tones that only need a little tweaking.
I also used PanPastel Artist Pastels. I use this to add a little red flush to the nose and cheeks and ears. I used another color to add a bit of more sun to his cheeks and face. A little goes a long long way.
The beard is raw umber and black pastels that I applied very carefully. Raw umber for the general beard shape and then black for areas I wanted darker. Again, a little goes a long way.
Man, you guys make Indy look sensational! Excellent work!
Awesome Saintsyn and Clarenced...
The eyes in both your work are pretty amazing. Funny how the emotion of each piece changes with the paint apps.
Finally got got Indy on his body.