Indiana Jones and the Dial of Destiny (June 30th, 2023)

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Re: Indiana Jones 5 (July 19th, 2019)

With the movie being delayed, I hope they give some thought to CGI de-aging. Be a heck of a lot better than Alden Ehrenreich or someone else trying to take over the role. I'd rather them do a straight up cartoon over that.

People need to let go of the past. It's ok for things to end.
Re: Indiana Jones 5 (July 19th, 2019)

My grandfather died in 1998 at the age of about 75. He was a frail, sad, ancient looking man at the end.

Ford will be about 80 if this movie happens. I don't want to see an Indiana Jones older than my grandfather that died in the Veteran's nursing home.

Just.....if they MUST do this....have him in a bridging sequence like on Young Indy and let someone else play Indy in his prime.

Indiana Jones 5 is so wrong on so many levels.
Re: Indiana Jones 5 (July 19th, 2019)

^ Yes. I know KOTCS wasn't popular but I liked how it was a setup to pass the torch. Heck, I even liked Shia LaBeouf as the next generation.

Plus if Ford gets much older he'll be intruding on Young Indy narrator canon.
Re: Indiana Jones 5 (July 19th, 2019)

Raiders of the Lost Ark is my favourite movie, but even I have to admit that "why" was my first thought too.

For the record I thought KOTCS was fine. Not great, but not the "raped my childhood" affair that some of the more emotional reactions seemed to describe.

None of the fight and action that you expect from an Indiana Jones movie is going to be believable with an 80 year old Harrison Ford. As Otomofan suggested, he needs to bookend the movie with a younger guy playing Indy - perhaps as a flashback to an earlier adventure.

If it absolutely must be set in the movie timeline's present (which would be 1971 based on the number of real time years that have passed since KOTCS), then all I can foresee Jones doing is overseeing other people doing all the action. Which is not an Indiana Jones movie.
Re: Indiana Jones 5 (July 19th, 2019)

There are many things that should NOT be taken from the Hobbit, but I think it would be great if they did it similar to how Ian Holm's Bilbo bookended Martin Freeman's Bilbo story. Have Indy reminisce of an old adventure and boom, new casting.

Then again I also was and still am against recasting Han Solo, so ideally they would just drop this project completely. :rotfl
Re: Indiana Jones 5 (July 19th, 2019)

Well, at least the precedent was set decades ago that other actors COULD play Indy....we had River Phoenix, the annoying Jake Lloyd-esque kid, the old man with the eyepatch, and the guy that played Powder all playing Indy at various stages in his life.

I always wanted to see how he ended up with that eyepatch, but it was probably just cause he was old and had cataracts or something.

Lucas removed all those Old Indy bookends, didn't he? Those are no longer "canon" I believe.
Re: Indiana Jones 5 (July 19th, 2019)

Raiders of the Lost Ark is my favourite movie, but even I have to admit that "why" was my first thought too.

For the record I thought KOTCS was fine. Not great, but not the "raped my childhood" affair that some of the more emotional reactions seemed to describe.

None of the fight and action that you expect from an Indiana Jones movie is going to be believable with an 80 year old Harrison Ford. As Otomofan suggested, he needs to bookend the movie with a younger guy playing Indy - perhaps as a flashback to an earlier adventure.

If it absolutely must be set in the movie timeline's present (which would be 1971 based on the number of real time years that have passed since KOTCS), then all I can foresee Jones doing is overseeing other people doing all the action. Which is not an Indiana Jones movie.

I echo everything here pretty much verbatim (even Raiders being my favorite film and KOTCS being "fine"!). Even more so, 1971 is a crappy time to set any movie that isn't about NY/Bronx street crime or blaxpoitation! :lol
I think the 1930s was a perfect time for the series. That era of technology was almost steampunk-y, and the lack of communication channels made everything more challenging and intriguing.

I think it could totally work with HF as narrator and starting a new trilogy picking up right where River Phoenix left off. I've thought about a trilogy where young Indy is recruited to work for the man who gave him the hat. He goes with him reluctantly because he's at odds with what the man was doing when they first met, but goes anyway because he hates dad even more. Slowly, he begins to see that all is not black and white in the world of archaeology, and the man with the hat is not the bad guy he once thought.
Re: Indiana Jones 5 (July 19th, 2019)

Indy in Viet Nam.... with a hippy sidekick....

Who the hell will believe he's still wearing a fedora in 1971? Unless they make it 1977 and its part of his disco look.
Re: Indiana Jones 5 (July 19th, 2019)

Indy in Viet Nam.... with a hippy sidekick....

Who the hell will believe he's still wearing a fedora in 1971? Unless they make it 1977 and its part of his disco look.

They should set it in 1981 and have the whole movie be him laughing obnoxiously with a cigar in the back row of a movie theater like Robert De Niro in Cape Fear as frustrated families try to watch Raiders of the Lost Ark.
Re: Indiana Jones 5 (July 19th, 2019)

Kids will watch this film starring an 80 year old man and wonder why people like the character. Maybe they go back and watch clips of the original...on youtube.
Re: Indiana Jones 5 (July 19th, 2019)

This is a real leak:

R2D2 found in the sand no mention of 3PO

Re: Indiana Jones 5 (July 19th, 2019)

You know since Cap:TFA officially canonized Raiders into the MCU maybe Indy can team up with 1970's Hank Pym or something, lol.
Re: Indiana Jones 5 (July 19th, 2019)

Indy in Viet Nam.... with a hippy sidekick....

It would be more believable if Ford channeled Clint Eastwood's character from Gran Torino and sat on his porch and bitched about how those damn hippies are dodging the draft and not fighting for their country. And for them to get off his lawn!
Re: Indiana Jones 5 (July 19th, 2019)

True dat! I actually was thinking of adding "Indy goes full Dirty Harry" in that Viet Nam/hippy post... but Get off my lawn is perfect.

I just don't see where they have to go with this character in his 70's. Maybe they'll do something in South America where Indy will be challenged by a Nazi in hiding in the jungles. Otherwise its Korean War/Viet Nam era stuff and that just doesn't feel very Indiana Jones to me.... no more than the Soviet enemy of Crystal Skull. Having soldiers to mimic the Nazis of the first movie is a really stupid way to pander.
Re: Indiana Jones 5 (July 19th, 2019)

You just know they are going back to the island for the last one and ghost Belloq will make an appearance.

He will have to place the sankara stones into the Arc with the help from adult short round.

This is when the arc reveals a buried R2D2 and Indy has to find out where he came from.

Hayden Christensen cameo occurs.