Super Freak
This could be very limited though
It is. They should be doing a Marion or another character. This is a SDCC type figure IMHO. If they wanted to give us another Indy, why not TOD with the stones?
I would take this one over the Grail Knight to be honest. Also I don't know who else is with me on this but I don't want Mola Ram in 1/6th I want him in 1/4th.
This could be very limited though
I would take this one over the Grail Knight to be honest. Also I don't know who else is with me on this but I don't want Mola Ram in 1/6th I want him in 1/4th.
There could be 25 of them and it wouldn't interest me a bit.
I don't collect Indy, but I'm baffled to see this choice as well. As Deckard pointed out, you can easily bash that figure... and maybe even get better tailored clothes, as DML, DiD and lots of smaller shops have perfected the art of the WWII german uniform.
Of course, maybe there's some relevant inaccuracy in the Indy uniform that you wouldn't get otherwise, but it's still a bit meh from an outsider's point of view.
This is a surprise...While I agree that if they were going to do a Raiders variant, I'd rather have a Map-Room version, I'm just glad to see the line continuing. And the latest Q&A hints at more figures AND PF's!
Perhaps this choice was made for a couple of reasons:
1. Indy, in ANY outfit might be an easier sell to the masses then 'misc. guy in suit' - i.e., Belloq - more for the die-hards
2. R&D to go into the Indy in German outfit allows for a Dietrich to be made easily as well...hopefully with 'Melty Portrait' alternate head to match Toht. Then we just need the SDCC exclusive Belloq in ceremonial gear, and we have the 3 ROTLA baddies to stand with the ark!
I wonder if they'll do another environment piece as the exclusive. I can't imagine what else it could be with this one.
Maybe the exclusive is the blue drape cloth cover for the Ark?