Indiana Jones & The Kingdom of The Crystal Skull Discussion Thread (Spoilers)

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I sat on the movie a few days after seeing it and looking back I really enjoyed it. I was disappointed coming out of the film but as I've had time to simmer I thought it was really enjoyable and a great film. Definitely NOT "Raiders" but a fine addition to the Indy series. However it is not on the same plateau as the first 3.
I don't think the chances of getting KOTCS figures is diminished. Dusty is just speaking her mind as a fan.
It just seems like the knifes come out more fast and furious for everything from movies to figures and more these days...

yup, you're right. The internet + fanboys + group mentality = nothing is given a fair chance anymore. Things are dissected, opnions formed, items dismissed and months worth of "this is crap I could do better" ^^^^^ing, before the figure/movie/TV show has even come out

As much as I love it (and I do think it's the best thing ever) ... sometimes I hate the internet
Once people cool down and see it for what it is, they'll start to appreciate it. Both of the other sequels had similar reactions, it's just that there weren't dozens of online forums for everyone to voice an opinion 20 years ago.

After seeing it 3 times, (and I'm actually anxious for a fourth theater viewing) I've really had a change of heart, and I think a lot of people will later on.

It'd be a shame if we don't see some Sideshow Crystal Skull figures....and a 1/6 scale 'fridge......................
I think the majority of people aren't polarized about the film - there are people that like it and those that don't, just like any other film. The buzz was pretty positive on the film before release, so there's bound to be some disappointment.

The buzz on Dark Knight is overwhelmingly positive, so I'm expecting HUGE backlash after it's released, even if it IS the 2nd coming.

On the other hand - the buzz on Transformers before release was pretty dismissive, so people were pleasantly surprised when it wasn't as completely sucky as expected.
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I think the majority of people aren't polarized about the film - there are people that like it and those that don't, just like any other film. The buzz was pretty positive on the film before release, so there's bound to be some disappointment.

The buzz on Dark Knight is overwhelmingly positive, so I'm expecting HUGE backlash after it's released, even if it IS the 2nd coming.

On the other hand - the buzz on Transformers before release was pretty dismissive, so people were pleasantly surprised when it was as completely sucky as expected.

By that theory the GI Joe movie will be next year's Oscar winner for Best Picture.:rolleyes:
I don't think the chances of getting KOTCS figures is diminished. Dusty is just speaking her mind as a fan.

I hope you're right....but I'm still waiting for hell to freeze over so Sideshow will produce a Jar Jar Binks 1:6 figure... :) Remember...Tim said "no way" way back when...

On're right, Dave. Backlash is quite the norm on these things. I'll still remember the tsunami of ill will following TPM that reverberates to this day (many younger reviewers can't let a diatribe go by without mentioning their Lucas-raped childhood). Darren and Trev's points are well-taken...I remember when TOD came out...if the internet had been around then, that movie would have been more polarizing on the boards than KOTCS is...print reviews were pretty harsh.

Oh and Trev...YOU are the man to do that older-Indy sculpt! Get busy my friend... :)
yup, you're right. The internet + fanboys + group mentality = nothing is given a fair chance anymore. Things are dissected, opnions formed, items dismissed and months worth of "this is crap I could do better" ^^^^^ing, before the figure/movie/TV show has even come out

As much as I love it (and I do think it's the best thing ever) ... sometimes I hate the internet

The same thing happens in the opposite perspective. why is it only the opinions that don't agree with your own that is the "wrong" one?
You are quite right. The internet-fanned flames of mob mentality operate on both sides of most issues. But when it comes to pop culture issues, such as movies and their associated collectibles, I think most would agree that the "anti" mob for any given topic tends to be much more vocal and intolerant of opposing viewpoints than the "pro" mob, at least as a general rule.
You are quite right. The internet-fanned flames of mob mentality operate on both sides of most issues. But when it comes to pop culture issues, such as movies and their associated collectibles, I think most would agree that the "anti" mob for any given topic tends to be much more vocal and intolerant of opposing viewpoints than the "pro" mob, at least as a general rule.

Absolutely agree with ya Robo. :duff
I just got back and I really enjoyed it. I dont know what people expected, but I got my moneys worth. The monkey scene was the only thing I thought could have been left out. I thought the action scenes where good, classic Indy. Good punch for punch fights, and a nice over the top story line. There was a bit to much CGI for my taste, but that can be said of most movies these days, I am not a fan of CGI. For movies like Transformers and Star Wars its fine but some movies can to without so much. Overall I would give it a solid 8 out of 10. Better than Temple and easily as good as Crusade.

I really enjoyed it. I also liked Mutt too, Shia did a great job.

One scene I really liked is when Mutt went to put that hat on and Indy pimped it from him, like he said "Hold on there douche bag, I ain't dead yet!"

Very happy with the movie, its a shame so many people didnt like it.

Totally agree with you King... not the greatest film, but a damn fun one.
I just started reading the novelization and I really like how it starts with Indy doing what he does best. Too bad the movie started with him in a trunk.
Let us know what you think of the novelization, if it adds alot to the movie I may go get it. Right now I'm debating whether to read the "EU" novels set before TOD.
I read the novel last week. It's a quick, easy read.

It does add some stuff to the movie, such as how Indy and Mac are found and kidnapped before the beginning of the movie. And I also like that Indy actually sees the Ark in the hangar when the crate is damaged. He says something like, "Will you look at that..." before the scene continues. I think I would have liked to have seen something like that in the movie.

Oh, and one other thing that stood out is in the end Indy asks Oxley how he got past the Nazca Indian Cemetery Warriors that almost killed him and Mutt. Oxley's answer: "Oh, I just went during the day when they were asleep." :lol
I read the novel last week. It's a quick, easy read.

It does add some stuff to the movie, such as how Indy and Mac are found and kidnapped before the beginning of the movie. And I also like that Indy actually sees the Ark in the hangar when the crate is damaged. He says something like, "Will you look at that..." before the scene continues. I think I would have liked to have seen something like that in the movie.

Oh, and one other thing that stood out is in the end Indy asks Oxley how he got past the Nazca Indian Cemetery Warriors that almost killed him and Mutt. Oxley's answer: "Oh, I just went during the day when they were asleep." :lol

Those would have been great to have in the film! Maybe they'll end up on the DVD/Blu-ray.
I just saw it about half an hour ago, I'm kind of indifferent to it.
It was fun but it had too many things that made me cringe.

Hated the capuchin monkeys coming to the rescue, vine swinging, ridiculously far-fetched killer ants, unbelievable waterfall drops, using a snake as a rope, mind reading, bringing a motorcycle to the Peruvian jungle, and Indy surviving a nuclear blast at ground zero in a lead fridge.

I think my favorite scene was the chase through Marshall College. And I did like the locations and I didn't mind the alien stuff. Strangely enough, I liked Shai's character, although he's still playing the same ********* character he has played in every one of his films. Harrison, Ray Winstone, and John Hurt were good, Karen Allen was a bit out of character, and Cate Blanchett made an alright villain.

I think the biggest problem I had was with the tone of the film, it was a little too lighthearted which when combined with all the elements that were hard to accept made this feel far too slapstick.

I'd rate all the Indiana films in the order they were released, ROTLA, TOD, TLC, and KOTCS.
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