Seriously. EXACTLY. What the man said.

They way you are talking it's like this is the first and only time you've ever heard of anything like this happening. You can't assume I'm ignorant to the fact that Hot Toys and Konami had a problem with this, of course I know about the drama, have always known and am proud that Headplay stuck it to them anyway. Why wouldn't HT and Konami have a problem? it's unlicensed. If Hot Toys was really that concerned they would have shown theirs. Or at least something that made the headplay one look like garbage. but they didn't. And as elvis said, real fans of MGS are gonna buy both anyway, they will snap up all they can thats quality from the genre and this looks to be quality.
It may in fact be ignorant to ignore the importance of these "bootlegs" to our hobby. In which I believe is actually a misused terms since a true bootleg is a knock off reproduction of something. This is not a bootleg, it's an unlicensed unofficial mass produced custom figure. A bootleg is something like the recent Wolverine problem. recasted- remade with cheaper materials and sold as if it were an official product. "Metal Boss" does not even attempt to make it sound like it's an official thing.
You think Warner Brothers wouldn't have a problem with the million and one Inception bootlegs there are on ebay? Or Something like the "Cat Lady" figure?
Without customs and unlicensed figures (I refuse to use the term bootleg from here on in) our collections would be pretty bland. There would be no Blade Runners, Clint Eastwoods or Robert De niros. Licenses/likenesses that are notoriously difficult.
Heaplay has stones for getting this guy out there and I for one promise you that a lot of Metal Gear fans are grateful to see it happen. Soon it will be in my hands and then on in short of a fire Hot Toys can't do anything to take it away from me. And when they release theirs I'll buy that too.