So why not just ask for a Punisher game? This is again why I can't stand that snot nosed kid.
A Punisher game would be pretty great, though he largely just takes on criminal gangs, so it may as well be the anti-hero Grand Theft Auto game. Or a modern day Red Dead.
I'm not huge of him in the beginning, but I did like him while he was under Grayson's Batman.
A Superman game could be fantastic, it just needs to be written and done right. Remember before Arkham Asylum, everything pointed to the fact that Batman was just not a good thing to be adapted to video games either. Besides, his rogues gallery is fine. Parasite, Metallo, Luthor, Braniac, Darkseid....put all those guys in a Superman game and you could have some real fun.
Those are great and all, but realistically; they won't. It will probably be Luthor who creates some giant robot army that nerfs Superman's abilities and essentially can take him 1 v 1, although dude can **** a freight train with his **** and not even have it bend.
I'd be down if it was Braniac or Darkseid, and we got a few allies in the stories (not playable) but would be cool to see Supergirl, Superboy, or Steel.
Then no you don't. You don't even know comicbook lore in general enough if you think that.
Because that is simply factually wrong.
I don't mean to be a ****, but that's just incorrect information.
Never said it was factual wrong. His gallery blows major ****, and while a few are pretty cool, they either nerf or op the damn person. Somehow Luthor has a better chance of taking out Superman than maybe Braniac.
I don't delve into comic books, as I never had money to spend on comic books, but I do spare it now that I can, as an adult. I've done my research and look into it, and I especially know my games well enough enough to know that Superman is overpowered as **** and makes it completely boring. In order to save the gameplay, they nuke the story, or vice versa.
None of that is incorrect. I love Batman with every fiber of my being, but I can certainly say there is no ****ing way he could take out Superman, yet they do it because they realize the character is quite boring considering he has every ****ing power there is. I mean I would say I'm not against him either as WW and Aquaman have been listed to be stronger than Supes (Arthur in the conditions of ocean depths in comparison to land of course), and honestly I top WW, Bats, and Aquaman in my top 3 heroes, yet both the listed previous are just overpowered and would probably make for a boring game. Give me a Bioshock Aquaman or God of War Wonder Woman, and I won't complain.
Superman? Nah, I can just see it failing as a personal experience and opinion.