I don't get Sirius. What was wow about it?
just the overall "wowness" of RDJ being solo in a chair being interviewed for over an hour uninterrupted, unfiltered, no handlers, AND by Howard Stern, who easily is the best interviewer ever. Those who listen to Howard know what I mean on that point. Like a dream come true for us, IMO.
He was asked if he's doing another Iron Man 4. He said "There is no other Iron Man 4 that I"m aware of", quote. And of course he said he is doing Avengers 2 and Avengers 3.
The replay is now on-demand via sirius so anyone with Sirius can listen to it at-will from this AM. Just got home from work and sitting down to listen. Howard I am sure will ask all the right questions. He's a total geek over superhero stuff.
- RDJ just said he gets zero from merchandising.
- RDJ just admitted that for Iron Man I there was basically no script and then day-by-day would make up what they were going to say/shoot that day.
- Now he's asking him about Sherlock Holmes and other stuff we don't care about.
I wish I could have called in with a question: It would have gone like this "dude, seriously, why did you allow Iron Man III to roll out the way it did?"
Gotta go. gotta listen. If he announces a new SS Mark VI PF for us, I'll instantly post it.