I never had a problem when someone returns a piece, in fact I advised a few friends and also forum members here in the past to do that. Small cracks, paint stains and scratches, ripped fabric, failing electronics, damaged body are signs of quality issues, most collectible companies have them, and the item should be replaced before too late and before it gets sold out (the reason I never buy a long sold out prop or a statue that is never removed from box, you never know what you are getting, and hard chance to replace it then). As for my friend, he is a RPF member and customizer, and was looking for 1/4 or 1/3 Vader, Fett and Stormtrooper helmets for a project. I try to help my friends when they look for something, and they do the same for me. But talking to him this morning he said he found some 3D printed ones and those will do.