I know it's a waste, but you could display Falcon without his wings.
I currently have two Falcons set up in two different rooms. One with his wings, and one without. And of course with the different right arms on each.
Its not like he uses his wings in every scene that he's in.
LOL reading this thread just reminds me of how *ecstatic* I am over these pieces. I'm "just a tiny speck in an indifferent universe"
but my angst over ordering these pieces last fall could have filled several planets (even tho I know you can return stuff etc. )
Am all for doubles of these pieces because they are that good IMO
. Also read about the growing competition for the best Asian manufacturers, rising costs, and like that. Plus this is one of my favorite films, ever. Spectacular pieces that will never be made again. Sometimes I think the one single thing I am most impressed with - if I had to pick one thing - it'd be Falcon and Bucky's sculpts. Especially Bucky. Just seems to be so hard for companies to pull off a portrait sculpt. Seen some I consider great - PF Indiana Jones, some HT figs, but so many seem to be "off". Dying to see what Tony Stark looks like (still on the fence about IM).
I can understand wanting to photograph these pieces A LOT if I had any idea of what I was doing re photography
. Shots with evening light, with fog effects, different angles...especially when Cap arrives. (These pieces are so good I'm actually HAPPY about my Cap PO $$$ *hums contentedly at the thought* because it's kinda a guarantee that he will be added to the collection and it's just gonna be so AWESOME to own my fav trio).
Meanwhile IMO Bucky is so good I wouldn't mind owning a THIRD but for the moment my sanity is holding on - always a dicey thing
- but who knows what reveals might come with SDCC?
$$$$!!!!! Besides, I want my Cap!
PS. Falcon's wings ARE spectacular but I can see displaying him without...because, as a sculpt, he's just so d*mn good. And I fantasize about potential custom additions that wouldn't damage the pieces - making resin "fire" pieces or fake wing pieces in a different position. Or even printing wings out on some tough media on a large scale printer and "faking it" in a display. I'm gonna print out some background "wallpaper" anyway for the display - I'm thinking greyscale probably, so it doesn't compete with the pieces. Maybe just the Civil War logo shield.