Is Sideshow gearing itself AWAY from 1/6 Figures?

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jlcmsu said:
Why should they do lines that aren't selling? I think the lines that aren't selling only have the fans to blame IMO.

I agree with the first part of this. Sideshow are in business to make money, as all businesses are. However, I disagree that only the fans are to blame. I can't speak for the Planet of the Apes line, but the Buffy line, which is the one I collected, was very hit and miss as to the quality and choices of which figures were made. Head sculpts that are bad likenesses (for whatever reason, molding or sculpting, whatever), not delivering on core characters, odd choices for the characters they did do and such are just as much to blame. Seriously, why would I, as a collector pay $50 for a figure that barely looks like the character it is supposed to be? And why would I want Der Kinderstahd or D'Hoffryn when I don't have a Cordelia, or Tara, or Giles (although that was rectified finally), or Wesley, or Anya?

If the fans don't buy the figures, then the company won't make more, but on the other hand, if the company doesn't make the figures the fans want and at a decent quality level, the fans won't buy them. It's a two way street.
Bardoon said:
But in that same sense I've heard a lot of "We will make ___(fill in the blank)___" lines from other companies before I really just don't believe it until I see it and I am sure there are others that share my sentiments.

Yeah, but even if Sideshow is moving/has moved away from 1/6, gaining the 1/6 SW license was a major event and its a cash cow. Even if all the other 1/6 lines dry up I don't see this one being abandoned anytime soon. And even though the secondary prices haven't sky-rocketed like some predicted they are selling well and collectors are coming back for more.

dekadentdave said:
These were already done in 1:6 about 6 or 7 years ago by another company (forget the name) and there's a ton of them on ebay right now for next to nothing.

Palisades, and they were kinda crummy. Alright headsculpts, but sub-par bodies, oversized clothes and general lack of quality lead to a pretty underwhelming effort. I have the Mr Brown figure, just because I think its fun to display him with the bullet-in-the head sculpt.
I for one think that LotR will be the next to go in terms of 1/6 figures. That ship has somewhat sailed and it will never become the merchandise giant that SW is. Most of the LotR 1:6 figures seem to appear few and far between while the SW ones are announced regularly.

And you just know with the LotR license that Sideshow won't be giving you a Uruk-Hai figure let alone Sauron himself.

Unless Sideshow has a new body type coming out this year or MAYBE even next year, then I predict they're slowly going to start phasing out with their figures and will concentrate on statues...perhaps attaining additional licenses to replace older ones.

Star Wars is the one that currently has the brightest future at Sideshow in terms of 1:6 figures.

EDIT: I just saw your response galactiboy and I agree with you 100% about Star Wars.
Well in the case of LOTR, just cause a figure isn't anounced every month doesn't mean the line is going away.
DBoz said:
If the fans don't buy the figures, then the company won't make more, but on the other hand, if the company doesn't make the figures the fans want and at a decent quality level, the fans won't buy them. It's a two way street.

Speak it, brother!

A faulty figure can help kill interest in a line. And that shouldn't be used as an example of "well see they're not selling".

No one wants to buy shoddy merchandise.
I don't think we've seen the last 1/6 scale non SW (or LOTR) figures. Let's not forget that they started up a John Wayne line, not to mention the Terminator line this last year, and we'll likely see another Scarface figure some time too. I think it's just a simple fact that this year their 'other interests' are getting the spotlight because of what's hot and what's coming out. For instance, Spider-man 3 is about to come out, and they have a lot of Spider-man stuff coming out. Maybe they don't have a license to make 1/6 scale for Spidey...

Until they say they're walking away from it, I'll keep assuming that they're going to keep making them. After all, the profit margin on 3000 12" figures is likely higher than 1000 statues, when you take production costs, freight from China, and the cost of in house storage.

Then again, maybe they read in the forums how much their 12" figures "suck" and how "Hot toys is so much better" and it hurt their feelings so much that they can't bring themselves to make anymore


(tongue firmly planted in cheek)
Well in the case of LOTR, just cause a figure isn't anounced every month doesn't mean the line is going away.
When was the last time they announced a new figure for POTA, X-Files, or Highlander? Exactly.
Well, some lines just aren't all that popular. However, I really think the 1/6th LOTR line should be doing better. There should definitely be more figures from that line, they sell pretty well, not quite as well as the Star Wars figures, but Star Wars is really a bigger line.

And besides, we've got to expect that there will be a bunch of announcements in summer, especially with Comic-Con.
DBoz said:
I agree with the first part of this. Sideshow are in business to make money, as all businesses are. However, I disagree that only the fans are to blame. I can't speak for the Planet of the Apes line, but the Buffy line, which is the one I collected, was very hit and miss as to the quality and choices of which figures were made. Head sculpts that are bad likenesses (for whatever reason, molding or sculpting, whatever), not delivering on core characters, odd choices for the characters they did do and such are just as much to blame. Seriously, why would I, as a collector pay $50 for a figure that barely looks like the character it is supposed to be? And why would I want Der Kinderstahd or D'Hoffryn when I don't have a Cordelia, or Tara, or Giles (although that was rectified finally), or Wesley, or Anya?

If the fans don't buy the figures, then the company won't make more, but on the other hand, if the company doesn't make the figures the fans want and at a decent quality level, the fans won't buy them. It's a two way street.

Sideshow is 100% to blame for the death of the Buffy line. Buffy fans are very dedicated group that Sideshow totally misread with poor character choices that eventually drove collectors away. Had they stuck with core characters and released improved versions of Willow and Faith, that line would still be going strong.
King Darkness said:
Unfortunately, at the rate SS doing them I may have to buy them with my Social Security checks:cool:

Could be worse. :lol

Wor-Gar said:
I hope so, Josh... but I just don't see a "3-figures-a-year" pace making it all the way to 9, plus the extra and needed bad guys to go with them.

Well, I know it's not a fast start but I think a lot of time has been spent in R&D honestly.

DBoz said:
If the fans don't buy the figures, then the company won't make more, but on the other hand, if the company doesn't make the figures the fans want and at a decent quality level, the fans won't buy them. It's a two way street.

It is a two way street. I don't disagree with that at all. The Buffy line had some issues in the figures. As far as character choices from what I saw Buffy had a lot of neat stuff to pick from. I think SS tried to capture that with the plans of doing everyone of the "main" cast, but lack of reception of these characters on top of any issues killed it. I hope some people won't just blame SS or anyone for dropping 1:6th scale "IF" that does happen because as you said it's a two way street.
TheObsoleteMan said:
Sideshow is 100% to blame for the death of the Buffy line. Buffy fans are very dedicated group that Sideshow totally misread with poor character choices that eventually drove collectors away. Had they stuck with core characters and released improved versions of Willow and Faith, that line would still be going strong.

So in other words just due the main guys and screw doing the other characters? :confused: Wouldn't you as a collector like to have all kind of characters from the show? Maybe they did too many non-main too soon but it was a bad thing to do some?
jlcmsu said:
Could be worse. :lol

How? You mean like getting nothing instead of something? What's half a line without a key figure i.e. Highlander? It's worse.

Well, I know it's not a fast start but I think a lot of time has been spent in R&D honestly.

How much R&D do they need? While they're scratching their heads trying to figure out how to get their s*** together, Hot Toys keeps lapping them with the most amazing 1:6 figures ever made. If they can't figure out by now how to make armored figures like Vader, Fett, or a Stormtrooper they might as well hang in their hat and call it quits and let them take the license because I gurantee the 1:6 Star Wars line will be doomed without those key figures offered. Star Wars will have it's Medieval F'n Kurgan.
dekadentdave said:
When was the last time they announced a new figure for POTA, X-Files, or Highlander? Exactly.

LOTR sells. The others, since they are no longer made, prolly didn't.

Highlander :rotfl No Ramirez cause of Connery ended the line even before it started.
jlcmsu said:
So in other words just due the main guys and screw doing the other characters? :confused: Wouldn't you as a collector like to have all kind of characters from the show? Maybe they did too many non-main too soon but it was a bad thing to do some?
That's exactly why I said they misread that particular group of fans. Unlike Star Wars or LOTR, Buffy fans tend to focus on the core cast, or Scoobies, far more than the ancillary monsters. When it became more and more uncertain that they would get a full set of those main characters, many jump shipped. The monsters and rehashes came to be seen as something to be endured while waiting for the characters they really wanted.
I mainly collect 1/6th. They are easy to display and don't take up as much space as statues. When I don't like part of what's offered on a figure I can trade it out with something else,or bash it from another figure. If I don't like the sculpt I can find a different head or commission a new one. No one expects SS to intentionally loses money. However with the barrels of money they are making on Star Wars and Marvel they could throw a few bones to the faithful who brought them to the dance in the first place. They have already mined several license to the point it would be unlikely that anyone else would try and pick up the ball and run with it. I can't see someone else trying to start an Xfiles line at this point so those who want the Lone Gunman ect. are left to their own devices (or do without). Would it kill SS or break them financial to do a figure every once in a while at a "break even" price to accomodate longtime supporters?
LOTR sells. The others, since they are no longer made, prolly didn't.

Highlander :rotfl No Ramirez cause of Connery ended the line even before it started.
If LOTR sells then why only 3 or 4 figures in over a year instead of over a dozen like $tar War$?

Highlander could have had another round without Ramirez. Medival F'n Kurgan would have been the prize of the collection and a decent Origin's Connor instead of that kilt wearing bagpipe blowing excuse for one they gave us and an Armand Fazil and Sunda Kastagir. I lament the absence of Ramirez but not as much as I do the Kurgan.
I question whether Sideshow is actually making "barrels" of money on the 1/6 Star Wars stuff. If I'm not mistaken, they have to pay licensing fees to both Lucas and Hasbro. I'm sure they're making money, but I doubt they're lighting their cigars with $100 bills.
TheObsoleteMan said:
That's exactly why I said they misread that particular group of fans. Unlike Star Wars or LOTR, Buffy fans tend to focus on the core cast, or Scoobies, far more than the ancillary monsters. When it became more and more uncertain that they would get a full set of those main characters, many jump shipped. The monsters and rehashes came to be seen as something to be endured while waiting for the characters they really wanted.

That's a shame then the fans only wanted just the "main" guys really. I wasn't a huge Buffy fan but when I did watch the monsters where always cool. Buffy was hot and all (which I liked :monkey5 ) but the mosnters where sweet. So IMO I would say it's at worst a 50/50 deal here as far as blame.
jlcmsu said:
That's a shame then the fans only wanted just the "main" guys really. I wasn't a huge Buffy fan but when I did watch the monsters where always cool. Buffy was hot and all (which I liked :monkey5 ) but the mosnters where sweet. So IMO I would say it's at worst a 50/50 deal here as far as blame.

That's like saying it's a shame if Star Wars fans only wanted the main guys instead of insignificant characters like Nik Sant and the Lumberjack Pack. Trust me, fans want the most popular characters first and the nobodies last.
On a pessimistic note I'd say Sideshow are gearing themselves away from 1/6th scale figures.

On a optimistic note I'd say Sideshow are smart. They haven't stated outright that they are distancing themselves away from 1/6th figures. That said, it is smart for an expanding company to diversify in order to expand and have that buffer zone should the market sour anytime in the future. Sideshow have done more for 1/6th than any company that I am aware of. That people see value in Hot Toys or Medicom astounds me. I will always hope for more 1/6th figures from Sideshow as they suit my pocket, and it's why I have my cupboards overflowing with their stuff. I don't necessarily want the best. I am staunchly Sideshow and they are good enough for me, and better than any other company out there, as seen according to my needs, which they fulfill. They are in it for the money, which they need to be in order to pay salaries and have a happy staff, and where they could distance themselves from the collector, in order to raise their profit potential, they haven't done as yet, so I hope they may gear up again, if appropriate licenses can be obtained.

I'm with TheObsoleteMan as far as Star Wars goes. That must be a huge burden, to extract a profit from such a costly licence, if indeed they are making a profit from it, and so I understand why their focus is primarily Star Wars at present. All this for the fans.