Is the Sideshow Freak board getting Elitist???

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No I'm not saying that, what I meant was some members back when SS first got the license for SW 12" figures were pretty distraught with them getting it. They felt it killed a lot of other lines by taking resources away from those lines and focusing on the SW line instead.

See, I told you thats what he meant!
No, what he's saying is that there are 2 ways to look at SS getting the SW license.

For some who are not huge SW fans, they see SS getting the SW license as the final nail in other popular(before SW came along) lines.

Now drink your beer and shut your pie hole!

For that King I offer you a spoon. Yes but a simple spoon.

So you can eat my A$$! :monkey3
I think I joined just before the influx of Star Wars fans. I joined right after Fantacular 05 which is when Jedi Luke was ordered (Golly that was great fun!) and it does seem to me things got a little more heated when Star Wars came along. Seems like some people who used to post alot have disappeared, or maybe I'm just reading the wrong threads. I also think some of our Sideshow VIP's have reduced posting, but that could be me in the wrong threads again (plus that's just my impression so I could be wrong so don't hang me). BUT we've gotten alot of really great people because of Star Wars so that's a good thing.
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When I started reading Rebelscum, I realized that Star Wars attracts some of the most pompous bastards I've ever witnessed. Beyond any kind of reasoning, their tastes were unimpeachable, and the rest of us were beggars and slaves.

Now I read over here, and whenever I hear that kind of crap, it either comes with a post count under 200, or from a Star Wars fan, and usually not a fan of Sideshow.

I'd say this board is the antithesis of that attitude. Serious pride comes in being a Freak, but it doesn't seem to come from being better than everyone. Just better than the elitists.
When I started reading Rebelscum, I realized that Star Wars attracts some of the most pompous bastards I've ever witnessed. Beyond any kind of reasoning, their tastes were unimpeachable, and the rest of us were beggars and slaves.

I hear that the guy who goes by codyfan82 is a real ass :monkey3
When I started reading Rebelscum, I realized that Star Wars attracts some of the most pompous bastards I've ever witnessed. Beyond any kind of reasoning, their tastes were unimpeachable, and the rest of us were beggars and slaves.

Now I read over here, and whenever I hear that kind of crap, it either comes with a post count under 200, or from a Star Wars fan, and usually not a fan of Sideshow.

I'd say this board is the antithesis of that attitude. Serious pride comes in being a Freak, but it doesn't seem to come from being better than everyone. Just better than the elitists.

Yeah, I'd agree with that.
No one on this board is elitist! How can anyone say that!!!


:lol:lol:lol Classic.

No one without the aid of Sideshow themselves. After Star Wars :emperor and P!tu :chew I blame them. :mona It's so much easier that way.

Too bad the newb's won't get it... :rotfl

j/k to all you new members! We really do enjoy having you here, and most of us don't bite.
Wow. Is that the original Frankenstein figure? Who were the Universal monsters in that line?

That is a Silver Screen Edition Son of Frankenstein 12 inch figure... 1 of only 10 made! I post a picture of it every time an opportunity presents itself; therefore I am an elitist!!! :rotfl