Jason just came out this year and you already want another? Jason needs a break I think. Too many others that haven't gotten any love.

You think J needs a break - fine. I think Marvel stuff needs a break. Someone else think SW needs a break, LoTR needs a break, Terminator needs a break & etc. To each it's own. And yes, of course it's obvious that some licenses & franchises = big $$$ & some = not as big $$$.
There's nothing really surprising here because regular version is absolutely lame in comparison with ex. That's exactly the case when Ex >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> regular.I'm honestly shocked he is still in stock. Its baffling, really.
Just think of it. 6 display options for Ex VS 1 for Reg.
Reg is just all about poor merketing/product management/whatever they call it in SSC decisions.
I'm sure that even if they at least made removable mask for regular, there would have been much more love for this piece.
Ex is machete + unmasked head (and these two bring a lot of display options with them) + print. Even with the fact that you won't using all this stuff for display every single day, it's just the whole new level of experience anyway.
This is the case when SSC screwed the non-ex customers big time. Especially overseas customers (for some countries shipping directly from SSC costs more than the actual statue itself) that wasn't able to order directly from them.
And again, such a small LE for such an awesome Ex. It sold-out in 1-2 days & what really important - there was no situation when all waitlist folks got conversion (like SSC doing from time-2-time). So there was an actual, not fake-SSC-style-buy-me-faster-I'm-almost-sold-out interest. And another thing here is that the price went up immediately on secondary market for Ex & it is not going down after all this time. And there is still a folks that are willing to spend $600-700 on Ex on ebay instead of $250-280 for Regular from retailers.
So for me the problem here is absolutely not in franchise or in J as a char that can't bring big dollars. It's all about SSC poor desicions.
Yeah, and immediately after sneak-peak video for Pinhead PF there was some rumours that some problems with the licensing appeared & blah-blah-blah. I just hope Pinhead is close too & in reality there was nothing behind those rumours.So we already know Pinhead is coming, maybe a Myers some day, but another Jason? Doubt it.