Darth Cruel
Super Freak
I think the line has died.

There's a lot of other figures I want first, but she just seems like she'll be an SDCC exclusive at some point to me.
The top three on my want list are Scarlet, Roadblock & Gung Ho.
Exactly.Actually if Nam was in charge of this line,I know he would make the figures as ARAH and "classic" as possible
I don't need to be. I'm enjoying what SSC is doing with the characters for the most part, barring a few, mostly aesthetic mis-steps here and there (Flint's headsculpt or the the new Snake Eyes' pin-headedness and odd-looking clothing, for example).And thankfully you're not either.
Well, now that you've revealed that you perceive a simple difference of opinion over design as a dualistic clash between good and evil, between "real" Joe collectors as you put it and, presumably, anyone with the temerity to appreciate anything that came after 1986 or thereabouts, what more is there to say? I can't exactly carry on a rational debate with you when you see the whole question of what the next figure's costume should look like as some sort of grand ideological struggle.You'd run the G.I. Joe license into the ground and send away all the real Joe fans, by releasing a bunch of generic modern soldiers with G.I. Joe names. I have an extremely hard time believing you're even a minute fan of the franchise given your lame trolling for stripping away anything and everything that has to do with the characters.
What hypocrisy? As I've pointed out previously, the 1/6th figures are clearly "re-imagined" and SSC's own take on the characters, while the various statues seem intended to hew much more closely to the designs of the original action figures.This is of course except for your blatant hypocrisy in the Baroness PF thread _____ing about Sideshow making the PF with heels and her not having heels on the card art for the original figure.
Would be out of character, going by the comics.Question for the room: Rock'n'Roll had an "Easter egg" saying on his red Tshirt. If SSC does another Original 13 figure like Zap or Flash or Clutch, what would you like to see printed on it (if anything)?
For me-
Clutch: "No Fatties" or "No Fat Chicks"
Zap: "Viva Mexico"
Grunt: "Georgia Tech"
I like the way you think Mercer. I always liked Gung Ho, and Scarlet and Roadblock would be awsome additions to the team!
Ginger ho would be great!
Judging by her friend count, I'd have to say she's not the exclusive version!![]()
Guessing some good stuff "should" be coming....
Destro better be in there! the More 1/6 scale the better in my opinion
DC chicken.![]()
Guessing some good stuff "should" be coming....
Question-G’day guys! During the last few years many collectors have been asking about the status of a new 1:6th female body to accompany the new male body in wide use. Where are you up to on this issue so that we can hope to see many of the female characters from the Star Wars/Indiana Jones licenses rounded out? Can you tease us with any hints of which gals will be given the Sideshow treatment in 2012? Thanks!
Saturday, April 7, 2012
Answer-Good news, and great news!
The good news is that the development is done, and we have a VERY exciting, very slick, sleek, and sexy new body that will debut with the Baroness.
The great news is that Sideshow’s Sixth Scale team is on FIRE. We’re developing new bodies for lots (and I mean LOTS) of new efforts, and we’ll be unveiling a LOT of new hotness in the coming months. Sixth Scale is about to explode.
Destro better be in there! the More 1/6 scale the better in my opinion