Its time for the next Joe!

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maybe set up a trade network here for those blind bags joe figures...
Ah, no wonder. Why the **** is this kiddie crap being discussed in the Sideshow thread? :dunno :lol

because we are tired of waiting for Sideshow to show something and actually have some pre-orders,then we can have some new discussion about their Joe product...:dunno:lol

Sideshow said "Soon" on facebook,there soon is 6 months from now
WTF does that symbol mean anyway??

SS does a real good job of killing any interest in any line, so bored with collectiing in general. 4 month gaps are killer
WTF does that symbol mean anyway??

SS does a real good job of killing any interest in any line, so bored with collectiing in general. 4 month gaps are killer

It probably just means MORE Baroness and Bludd Teases,while we wait another 6 months to pre-order them..

Sideshow just stated "Soon" status for the Baroness as she is still NOT ready yet! So looks like the October reveal isn't happening unless they bump up Bludd to pre-order

We do need another Joe reveal aswell,their best 12" line is losing steam and we are ALL getting older....higher prices are eventually going to kill the line

Hopefully Snowjob shows up next month...and Bludd gets the pre-order this month (but probably not because he is probably not ready either! or DC Comics 1/6 comes first)
More and more it is looking like this line is being killed off. High prices and with nothing to order...:-(
Its really too bad, I wouldn't mind the slow down on figures if they gave us something to go with them. Yes, I'm sure someone thinks that a representation of the PIT the size of a Hanky is cool, but if they're going to do accessories, I'd like to see them learn from Hot Toys:


1/6th RAM? Yes please.

The Jet Pack JUMP (even if it were just the pack and not the platform, actually would prefer just the pack so I could afford a couple)
The Claw, hell even the trubble bubble, so many small Joe items they could do that fit on shelves rather than half desert walls :(
I think they mentioned something about doing Flight Pods. If the Star Wars stap does well, why not?

Would do far better than generic environments.