Insufferable S.O.B.
Yea but Timber was the reason it was $200. And you can sell him for a good chunk now.
No new collectors jumping on this line?
Umm... somehow i doubt that.
GI Joe is in the spotlight right now. The movie is making a great deal of cash, and projected to hit the 400mil mark.
That's GOING to create some buzz, regardless if the movie is good or bad. and that IS going to eventually bring some people into the line.
Additionally, every few weeks on the hiss tank, someone asks " are the sideshow joes any good?" and you get some no's, but a few people say " OMG I got one and it's AMAZING in hand" so they buy one, and then go back to the thread to say how awesome it is, and how they're tracking down the ones they missed and etc.
and we even get new members here and there on this board asking about the joes as they come out with a particular person's favorite.
it's very easy to forget that this board only makes up a VERY SMALL percentage of the 1/6th community.
"GI Joe is in the spotlight right now"
While Sideshow fails to keep any G.I.Joe momentum.
Yeah but it's the lame movies NOT the classic Hasbro RAH.
That's my point. The only new Joes we're getting are from hot toys to support the lame movies. Sideshow decided to take a back seat and let Hot Toys fill in the line, thus further alienating old-school RAH fans.
That's really sad if that is true.
I will say, my cancellation (most likely) isn't permanent, I just see no need to show SSC any sort of "commitment" when they can't do the same. If the line proceeds (under reasonable prices) I'll purchase Blood when he is released.
where is the sdcc previews
Maybe we won't see ****.
--Maybe we won't see ****.