Super Freak
Customikey said:SIDESHOW FREAKS. What isn't clicking here?
What are you saying mikey? That we are now the geeks getting hit by the spitballs I used to flick?
Customikey said:SIDESHOW FREAKS. What isn't clicking here?
sueworld said:Well I know it's not the same thing, but I left my comment here...
madden821 said:My thoughts are.. its their boards and if they feel the need to censor something its totaly their right. There are other boards where you can talk about figures too so if you don't like it here you can go to those. I am not a Sideshow loyalist that will defend them to the bitter end but posting on the boards is a privledge not a right.
kodiak8658 said:You may consider posting on this board a privledge but freedom of speech is a RIGHT, Constitutionally guaranteed. Just look at Potter's Field for the proof.
kodiak8658 said:Yup, people sure feel that because they own the server, they have the right to dump on the US Constitution and the rights guaranteed by our forefathers.
Maybe they get off on burning a flag but I sure don't! It's just plain wrong.
You may consider posting on this board a privledge but freedom of speech is a RIGHT, Constitutionally guaranteed. Just look at Potter's Field for the proof.
LordAzrael said:Popular misunderstanding. There is no consitututional right forcing someone to provide you a forum for your opinions. Just cos NBC won't give you airtime doesn't mean they are breaching the constitution.
madden821 said:Of course you have the RIGHT to express your opinion.. and they have the right to express theirs by censoring what you say ON THEIR BOARDS. You can say whatever you want in the privacy of your own home but if you come into my house and start screaming at the top of your lungs about things I don't agree with then I have the right to toss you out... same thing here. You are free to go to rebelscum and talk your heart out about how bad SS is and nobody will stop you because its not their boards.
Customikey said:I wonder what people say about you when you're not looking...
King Darkness said:![]()
You should stay far away from the Sandbox![]()
Customikey said:I appreciate the warning KD, but I've seen it. And the stuff I haven't seen has been reported to me by the good friends I've made here.
Fact is, I don't much care what someone says about me when they're too cowardly to say it to my face. I know who my friends are. Arguments I can handle, but stabs in the back are beneath notice.
Having said that, I'm onlly recently getting into the Sandbox, and I find it a lot of fun.
King Darkness said:You know I'm always willing to call you a douche bag to your face Mickey!!!
And I would hope you would pay me the same respect![]()
kodiak8658 said:If Sideshow didn't want our opinions, why do they ask?
SideshowDusty said:One thing to understand about this whole commenting thing is that it's not an exact science (on ANY public message board), and there are multiple people taking turns at moderating... plus sometimes things DO get deleted on accident (for instance, during Toy Fair, the servers were getting hit with a ton more traffic then usual, and some comments just never showed up). I go back and read through them now and then, and I think they usually show a pretty well-rounded set of viewpoints (especially anytime there's a new Star Wars product!)... it was only the incredible FLOODING of the Krusade that really got to me... all the caps/shouting by the same 3 people was a bit muchPlus, if all the post says is "SIDESHOW SUX, I'M NEVER BUYING ANYTHING FROM YOU AGAIN - YOU RAPED MY CHILDHOOD!" - really, how useful is that to the public debate...
Just because they aren't all approved doesn't mean they aren't read, passed along, and digested - one of the benefits of moderation is that SOMEONE actually sees it![]()
thamesvalidude said:TVDude goes all shy and blushes a horrible shade of red:
"My comments were not nasty, Dusty, just moany! Probably why my nephews and nieces in your neck of the woods know me as "Uncle Grumpy"
Aw shucks!![]()
SideshowDusty said:Plus, if all the post says is "SIDESHOW SUX, I'M NEVER BUYING ANYTHING FROM YOU AGAIN - YOU RAPED MY CHILDHOOD!" - really, how useful is that to the public debate...