Super Freak
What was the reason they sent cadets to battle in the first place? I forgot.They didn't know it was going to be a battle I presume since they where ambushed.
What was the reason they sent cadets to battle in the first place? I forgot.They didn't know it was going to be a battle I presume since they where ambushed.
I just got back from seeing it! I loved it! I wish I could see it in IMAX!
The only thing I didn't care for was.....
Putting Uhura and Spock together. Meh....
The effects, and everything were a big part as well...and it wouldnt be in the show. So no TV series.
Plus, most TV shows never come up with a story, they just keep making new ones without an end. Terminator comes to mind. Had a OK start, got better, set up SO much...but then midway through just created a new boring story. Didnt work.
It was basically an "all hands on deck" move to get as many ships as possible to Vulcan for assistance/rescue operations due to the sudden "seismic disturbances". At the time they weren't clear it was an actual attack.
One of Kirk's contributions enroute (and probably what prompted Pike to assign him the first officer post) was figuring out they were headed into a trap.
everything that he said, a TV series would never feel like the movie, and if we got a tv series, it would have to focus on a different crew in the same timeline as the movie I imagine. either way, I don't see a TV series happening, and if it does, I doubt JJ would be involved with it, which to me, would take away alot of potential.
Why not? Lost ends next year. That should free him up for another TV series. And who knows if Fringe will survive (I hope it does!).
Why not? Lost ends next year. That should free him up for another TV series. And who knows if Fringe will survive (I hope it does!).
as others have been talking about I found it strange that the new flagship was being manned by cadets
Why change the phasers, transporter&warp effects? If it aint broke don't fix it.
Beaming onto a ship while its at warp? That seems too advanced even for Voyager era Star Trek.
the music wasn't great or memorable. The main theme sounded like something that should have been in an X-men movie. It didn't evoke Star Trek the way Jerry Goldsmith, James Horner and Dennis McCarthy did.
Kirk said he would be captain in 3 years, and he did it..
The funny thing is we get a Farmboy from Tatooine who is an okay pilot gets involved in an attack on the Empire, comes back from a successful run and all of a sudden in the next film is Commander Skywalker, same with Han. People are cool with those swift military promotions and Kirk? Oh no.![]()
Some niggles though
- happy coincidences. There was a few of these in the film that enabled the classic crew to fully come together - particularly with regard to Scotty. In fact Old spock seemed to meet young kirk completely by accident and then the same for Scotty - he was surprised each time.
- the music wasn't great or memorable. The main theme sounded like something that should have been in an X-men movie. It didn't evoke Star Trek the way Jerry Goldsmith, James Horner and Dennis McCarthy did. I wish they'd get Horner back. His themes would seem no less applicable to the new cast than they did the original cast in Star Trek II. That film has an amazing score.
This goes back to the phasers etc. This movie had to work for general audiences and not the same handful of geeks who made the last few movies box office disasters. The various old themes are a bit cheesy; the new score worked for me.
Oh, god, I concur completely. I had chills when the "Star Trek" title came up on the screen and the new theme music was playing. Giacchin's theme isn't as iconic as the TMP score (maybe this'll change as/if we get more quality sequels and the same theme is used), but it was PERFECT for the film's atmosphere.
well considering he has about 19 in development projects with paramount I think he's moving away from TV and full time into movies. And I know that by an interview I read with him where they were talking about that, he signed a huge contract with them. I'll be shocked if he does more TV, but if he does, and if it is star trek, i'll happily watch it, I'm just not expecting that to happen.