Jabba 12" Image Thread

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A little while I bought a Gentle Giant Slave Leia statue that had been cut away from the base for use with the Sideshow Jabba setup. Unfortunately it arrived damaged, but I was able to patch her up fairly well. Details can be found on my site, but here she is on her own and with my entire setup. Until they come out with a proper Slave Leia figure, I think she's the best solution.


Love it! Very similar set-up :)

Definitely the best Leia for the Hutt. I put mine through a bandsaw then cleaned it up.

hi Mandible, was wondering if you can give tips on how to get GG leia out of that base so as to achieve the same thing you did in the dio. I got me no tools, just basic screw drivers and exacto knife
hi Mandible, was wondering if you can give tips on how to get GG leia out of that base so as to achieve the same thing you did in the dio. I got me no tools, just basic screw drivers and exacto knife

Step 1: Invest in a dremel. Every man should own one.
The SS Gamorrean Guard is the sole reason for me to decide to not collect “Alien” SS figures (i.e. Hammer Head, Greedo etc. ) I had Bib Fortuna and the Salacious Crumb pack but once I saw what SS did with the Guard I decided to sell my Bib/Crumb as I saw no point pursuing Jabba characters. SS completely failed to capture “the essence” of the Guard I grew up with.
I think the paint job is 75% of the problem with those figures. They made the green way too dark and painted the nose dark brown instead of lighter. It is a bit of a shame, but I personally don't think it takes that much away from the total Jabba display. Maybe I'll try repainting one someday.
For me with secondary aliens as long as they are close enough that’s fine by me. No two humans look the same, no two dogs look the same so why should all aliens look the same. Now if they are making one specific alien then it better look like the screen character but these guys are random Gammy guards so if their color is off or some parts bigger or smaller its no big deal.
Step 1: Invest in a dremel. Every man should own one.

I would agree with this, but I would also say that this would not be the first project I would tackle if you've never done anything like it before.

hi Mandible, was wondering if you can give tips on how to get GG leia out of that base so as to achieve the same thing you did in the dio. I got me no tools, just basic screw drivers and exacto knife


Sorry for the (super) late reply - forgot I posted this :(

As icruise says it's a bit of a risky one to start with, however I'm not that skilful when it comes to mods and the key (for me anyway) is to throw caution to the wind. I just try everything and (try not to) think about screwing it up.

I went to a local furniture manufacturer and asked if I could use their bandsaw. They said yes, and I slowly pushed it through expecting to leave a 1/4" of the base left that I could slowly work off with the dremel. But what ended up happening was it got very close to her and once I pushed it through she simply popped off the remaining base.

There were some metal pins that hold her in place and once they were sawn through she popped off.

The SS Gamorrean Guard is the sole reason for me to decide to not collect “Alien” SS figures (i.e. Hammer Head, Greedo etc. ) I had Bib Fortuna and the Salacious Crumb pack but once I saw what SS did with the Guard I decided to sell my Bib/Crumb as I saw no point pursuing Jabba characters. SS completely failed to capture “the essence” of the Guard I grew up with.
Interesting. Greedo and Hammerhead are my two favourites (of the aliens), personally. Excellent pieces and both going for $200.00+, at the moment, so they hardly seem like failures.
I don't think he was saying that they were failures -- just that the "failure" of the Gamorrean Guard put him off of the whole line of aliens, of which they are examples.