Jabba 12" Image Thread

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A little while I bought a Gentle Giant Slave Leia statue that had been cut away from the base for use with the Sideshow Jabba setup. Unfortunately it arrived damaged, but I was able to patch her up fairly well. Details can be found on my site, but here she is on her own and with my entire setup. Until they come out with a proper Slave Leia figure, I think she's the best solution.


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Yeah that Leia looks great, and in the right scale. Gonna keep my Jabba Leia-less until i can get one of these or another comes along.
I don't think there's going to be a 1/6 leia that can be posed in the same way as the GG. That's the perfect pose IMO for the jabba setup.

A little while I bought a Gentle Giant Slave Leia statue that had been cut away from the base for use with the Sideshow Jabba setup. Unfortunately it arrived damaged, but I was able to patch her up fairly well. Details can be found on my site, but here she is on her own and with my entire setup. Until they come out with a proper Slave Leia figure, I think she's the best solution.


Unsure if it's your picture I saved a year ago that bears the same leia cutout...mind if i ask how you were able to detach her from the original base?
I bought her already cut away from the base, but it looks like they used a dremel to do it. I wouldn't have the guts to do it myself, but I didn't mind fixing up one that someone else had done.
Whole display looks fantastic, icruise (love the Gonk droid, too). I think this is one of the rare times where a 1:6 statue is preferable to an articulated figure. You'd never be able to get as natural a pose and the joints might be distracting. I don't have the room for the stuff I have/plan to get + add Jabba, so I've let the idea of having that kind of set-up go. Sure is nice to see displays like yours on the boards, though.
Having all environment pieces set up pretty much the same way, i can only confirm your display looks awesome :monkey3

For my part, i did not give up on a 12" articulated Slave Leia to go with Jabba. I can see the challenge of making such a figure not looking out of place in the setup but i still have hopes technical evolutions at that scale would allow for a great Slave Leia to be produced in the coming years.
Hi just bought a jabba and the white foam has rubbed off on him. Any ideas how to get rid of it?



Ps. No it's foam. I was happy, but not that happy ;)


Lol, rubio. That is interesting (and a little disconcerting... all my stuff is boxed, atm), though. Have never seen the packaging foam rub off/adhere to a figure like that. Wonder if something like Goo Gone would be OK? Just from having used it in the past, I don't think it would take the paint off but not sure. Might be the foam's adhered to the paint in such a way that it will take some of the paint with it, no matter what. Definitely let us know how it goes, bbl, and good luck!
Lol, rubio. That is interesting (and a little disconcerting... all my stuff is boxed, atm), though. Have never seen the packaging foam rub off/adhere to a figure like that. Wonder if something like Goo Gone would be OK? Just from having used it in the past, I don't think it would take the paint off but not sure. Might be the foam's adhered to the paint in such a way that it will take some of the paint with it, no matter what. Definitely let us know how it goes, bbl, and good luck!

I'd agree with the Goo Gone. Jabba was originally in a bag and then in the Styrofoam for this very reason. Many of the Jabbas originally came wet and sticky.
Goof Off and Goo Gone brand cleaners are really stout and aggressive for the most part. I can't imagine they wouldn't take paint off Jabba fairly quickly. I'd try near boiling water and maybe a little Simple Green cleaner mixed in to start.
I've seen that happen before. I packed some action figures in packing peanuts, and the peanuts "melted" onto the figures. I would just try getting it wet and rubbing it off with your finger. You might want to try a soft cloth as well, just to get some extra friction.
try water first with some microfiber cloth. i agree, best to try a spot that's not visible, in this scenario hope there's styro just to see if it will work.
Well i tried warm water and rubbing but already took of some paint. The foam acts like glue. It's between the seams etc :(. I'll lightly try goo gone once i get it. Guess a dry brush repaint is necessary :(


It's not uncommon for plastics and rubbers and the like to chemically weld together if you have an unfortunate combination of them. On my deluxe Vader the separate dome had welded to the clear plastic case because the chinaman that packed it forgot to put the protective plastic wrap around it.

If i has bonded together you might just try to brush it of or something. The styrofoam is still super soft and it shouldn't be impossible to scrub it off without damaging anything else but the paint. You would of course have to repaint but it seems that might already be the case. The thinking being that going to town on it with chemicals might do other bad stuff to the surface.