Jabba/Throne Experiment

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jlcmsu said:
Looking forward to seeing those!! I'm not sure who you like more though Jabba or Maul! :rotfl :rotfl

It might be equal in a way, though Maul deffinately gets more merch in his image. As a whole, I love Star Wars because it is a visual feast, so many different creatures and characters it's great, and Jabba always stood out as a kid cuz he was the only really big, far out character that contributed to the plot so to speak, the Rancor was bigger but not so much an interactive character and no dialogue, but Jabba was a person and he was always so cool to watch, growing up I used to do 2 things most with immitating Star Wars, Vader's breath and Jabba's laugh. With Maul, it was a similar instance, he brought something to the table that was fresh and unique within Star Wars, or rather Ray Park did. The visual design of his face and head alone won me over in the 2 seconds of footage we got in the teaser trailer and in the cover issues of SW insider, then add to that the only double-bladed saber in the saga, an amazing costume, cool ship, sweet bike, hi-tech probes, killer kung-fu moves and you got an amazing Sith package, I was severely bummed when I found out he was going to die in TPM.
tomandshell said:

So I take it they didn't start shipping today? Anybody get a tracking number?

I won't know for up to another hour, it's 8:30pm for me and I usually get my notices at like 9-9:30
Well Sideshow just gave me a scare! I had a quantum notice, and automatically think Jabba of course. It is only 1 pound though. Not Jabba. I'm sure now it is my replacement Subject 57 arm. :lol
OK, Tom&Shell... what say you and I take a drive over to Sideshow tomorrow afternoon and just PICK UP our Jabbas & thrones? :monkey5

- J!
Buttmunch said:
Well Sideshow just gave me a scare! I had a quantum notice, and automatically think Jabba of course. It is only 1 pound though. Not Jabba. I'm sure now it is my replacement Subject 57 arm. :lol

Well, obviously any shipment notice will get the heart going, but don't forget, unless you ask otherwise, Jabba being over $100 will be shipped through FedEx not UPS so we should all be on the lookout for FedEx shipping, luckily now, the Throne and Jabba are the only things close to shipping from anyone I've ordered items from, so I'll just have to be sure it's Jabba's order number in a ship notice, now if I could just get one tonight :)
just got my shipment notice with two tracking numbers .. one is 9 lbs, the other is 40 lbs. Jabba should be here on the 13th .. Shame I'm off the 12th, and won't be here to sign for him.
My order for both Jabba and throne went through at:
2006-07-21 17:28:55

Fedex will deliver both tomorrow, Thursday Feb 8. I just received tracking numbers and they are in the Fedex system.

Where's that smiley for "stone broke"?
Got this today... I guess it means it is shipping today (or tomorrow)... Just Jabba so far....


Tracking number

Ship date
Feb 7, 2007

Estimated delivery
Feb 13, 2007
Purchase order number
Shipment ID
Gainesville, FL
9.0 lbs.

Package data transmitted to FedEx
Congrats to those who have shipping notices already!!! Thats awesome, I've been charged and was shipping soon earlier today... so fingers crossed mine will come along soon :D
I hear ya MF. Its things like that for both LOTR and SW that just make them such an impact on me.

No shipping yet but I'm ok. :)