Jabba/Throne Experiment

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Here's an idea for future SDCC pre-orders...

Just have 3-4 PCs set up and enter orders right then and there on an Ordering page exclusive to the Con. Then, when the actual "public" or PPO pre-order is open simply merge the orders together, with the SDCC orders being first.

Companies do this kind of thing all the time with event tickets and the like. It can be done.
Well, I just talked with a friend and was told SDCC Orders are bieng processed for the first wave. Some folks are doing the reguler website and some are doing the SDCC Orders. So SDCC orders are due in the first wave and now I get to look like an ass for acting like one. Someday, I swear I'll learn to be more patient.

Edit: I've preauthed!!
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MaulFan said:
SDCC orders were the first people to order, but according to what I'm seeing here and in the RS threads, SDCC orders weren't entered in the system until days after the inclusive window opened to the public, and it seems like the pre-auths and everything is going by the order numbers and dates in the system.

This thing is--they have more than one system. The online system is not the same as the in house system that actually processes the order. Sometimes your online account shows an order that already shipped as still pending. Or let's say you place an order by phone. The order is in their system immediately, but they don't update the online info until later. Another example--my Grey Hulk was accidentally cancelled from the online system, but when I checked up on it I was told that it was safe and sound in the actual system that processes the orders.

So it's not perfectly clear to me how the two systems interact, but we have seen hiccups before and I have learned that the important thing is not what it says online, but what it says in the system that actually processes the orders in the shipping department--and they don't always match. However, we can only see the online one, and so we get stressed out easily if we sense a problem.

I am sincerely thrilled to hear that they are making a point to process the SDCC orders at the head of the line, since they were placed a day before the inclusive window opened. First come, first served!!!

Yeah, I have no idea how the two work which is why most of the time when it comes to processing stuff I stay quiet. I end up looking goofy when I start *****ing like with this. Did that with the ML Statue and you'd think I'd have learned. No slow learner here folks. :lol I am happy to know for sure the SDCC Orders are being done in the first batch along with the first of the web orders. Plus I'm even happier I've be Pre-Authed!! So hopefully the shipping will be soon.
Since my Jabba has been processing since September, I had a feeling that the online system wasn't going to be much of a help this time around!!!


And just wait until you see me the week that Boba Fett starts processing. I will probably end up getting banned from the board.
Good to hear you guys are part of the first wave! Now you just need to get your rewards points and everything will be square :D
tomandshell said:
Well, that stinks.

Lonnie--what is the time and date on your SDCC order in your online account? I was in line right behind you on Thursday.

Mine was entered on 8/3/06 as well Tom.
Honestly, if they gave you the choice between earning reward points on your order or having your order be guaranteed first out the door at shipping time, I would choose the latter.

lcummins said:
Mine was entered on 8/3/06 as well Tom.

Thanks! We hadn't officially met, but I saw your SDCC registration badge and recognized your name as I was standing behind you in line watching you place your order. Call me a peeping Tom. (But I did officially meet you at lunch that day, so I was only stalking you for a little while.)

Anyway, I was right after you in line. So if yours had been entered days earlier than mine, I would have been totally confused.
tomandshell said:
Honestly, if they gave you the choice between earning reward points on your order or having your order be guaranteed first out the door at shipping time, I would choose the latter.

I've waited this long... I'd take the Reward Points!
lcummins said:
I've waited this long... I'd take the Reward Points!

Well, now that the waiting is over I would take those 320 reward points! But at the time I placed the order, if I had that choice I would impatiently choose expedited shipping.
Man, I'd hate to see what would happen if some of yalls (okie lol) wives didn't have dinner ready on time. Moms for those that still live at home.
Hi guys! Don't know if you've heard the news yet from Customer Service, but Comic-Con orders for the Jabba and Throne WILL be processing this week, no matter what time the system says they were placed. We can tell those that were placed at Comic-Con by a certain designator in the in-house order system, and the processing team is beginning those today :chew But as usual, there are quite a few orders for the team to get through, so please have patience, as it will probably take at least 2 business days process those orders :duff

On Edit: Aha, I see that you've already heard the good news. Well, I'll go back into my corner now ;)
I'd take the points but I'm just glad we're in the first wave. I like Tom would take first come first out.

Thanks Dusty! I talked with Jennifer earlier and she told me when I bugged her about it. LOL
SideshowDusty said:
On Edit: Aha, I see that you've already heard the good news. Well, I'll go back into my corner now ;)

You know us well by now, Dusty--we're always sitting back casual and relaxed, hardly even thinking about when our orders might ship.
i just got credit card for charged my last flex pay instalment today although my order still says "processing", 99.43 ouch thirty bucks for shipping:confused:
If the order reads, "Item shipping soon", does that mean it's in the first wave or does it just mean that it'll be shipping sooner than later? I did NOT order my Jabba at SDCC but was just wondering what it meant for this particular release. Any help would be most appreciated.:emperor
Finally got my pre-auth. I sure hope the Shipping on the Pre-auth is way off! :eek: Hopefully mine will ship tomorrow or tonight for a Friday or Saturday delivery when I can be home! :D