God. The more I see this figure the more I want it which is horrible for my wallet.
Didn't order the original so this with the maquette should make for a nice Cap display. Plus I really like the design of the costume and how it looks. Plus reading Cap and seeing it in the comics just adds to it.
since I picked Cap back up.
I need to tackle more DC. I've heard nothing but praise about the recent Batman and Robin stuff. Fraction has been rocking the hell out of Invincible Iron Man --probably my fav after Brubaker Cap. I've been dipping into Hulk ever since Planet Hulk, but it hasn't reached anywhere near the heights of that story. Jeph Loeb's (red) Hulk run in particular is disastrous.
If you want to see Loeb at his finest; alongside Scott Williams and Lee, go find Batman: Hush. I think it's Batman 608 - 619 or so. Leave whatever it is you are doing and hunt down Hush
Back to the main thread, didn't steve rogers refused to take back the shield (I believe it was right after the battle for Asgard... I cant say more as dont want to spoil it for anyone that hasn't read the entire Dark Reign arc); and if so, why do most people see steve rogers as captain america, even though rogers hasnt been captain america for something like 4 years now? wasn't the costume and the ideal bigger than even steve rogers??![]()
I've heard great things of Hush as well; it was part of the reason I was excited to see Jeph Loeb take on Hulk. Too bad.
Speaking of Rogers, I would take a Rogers as Commander PF. That would be a really cool companion piece to this one. That or Black Widow. Rogers will always be Captain America though. Doesn't matter how long Barnes has held the shield. It will be bitter sweet for me when Rogers takes it back eventually. Wonder what the future will hold for Buck.
There's nothing at this point to suggest he'll stop being super soldier
Why not a Winter Soldier PF?
Almost the same pose but instead of gazing up, he'll be looking down with sniper rifle on one arm.