Got 'em! Love 'em! Scale-wise they look fine to me. THANK YOU, Chu!

Funny, all the talk about Craig being on the small side, but actually Deckard is ever slightly-so smaller. But I held the heads up to Sideshow Connery Bond (big head) and HT T-800 (small head to some) and in both cases the scale looked fine to me. I'll try to get pictures tomorrow in daylight.
Any chance the new resin doesn't 'shrink' as much???
Got 'em! Love 'em! Scale-wise they look fine to me. THANK YOU, Chu!

Funny, all the talk about Craig being on the small side, but actually Deckard is ever slightly-so smaller. But I held the heads up to Sideshow Connery Bond (big head) and HT T-800 (small head to some) and in both cases the scale looked fine to me. I'll try to get pictures tomorrow in daylight.
Any chance the new resin doesn't 'shrink' as much???