JAMES BOND - Original creations

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I wouldn't be binning yours just yet, I'd wait for some pics.

Very curious which outfit they are going for on Auric. I'm certain (and hope) it will be either the yellow-vest Auric Stud outfit or that brown silk dinner jacket outfit from the laser table. If its the canary onesy pool outfit I will have to laugh.

No matter what, it will be awesome to have an actual Gert Frobe sculpt to be able to use on one of my customs.

There's a reason Inigo posted the Bond news - and it's not because he's done Dr. Who sculpts for BCS before.

Fingers crossed for you'll be right!I'm just worried about BC use to make no neck head figures.For such great sculpts as Inigos Cumberbatch they could sculpt good neck then, not cheap plastic color stuff like first Sherlock.Fore me will be fantastic if they'll start new Bond line with new normal high bodies, with neck heads and more perfect paintups.

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Have you seen what that 1/8 Aston goes for now, it's just shy of £1300. What do you think a 1/6 one would be!? BCS are already on the fringes of HT territory with their prices, let's not push them any higher.

That's a good point. If this line goes the distance, it is going to sting my wallet badly.

Elsewhere, folk are laying into BCS and aren't taking the news well. Are they really bad, or are people spoiled by HT and keep expecting their quality all the time?

Also, I see this is now the Custom James Bond thread, does this mean you'll start an official one when the figures come out!?

Elsewhere, folk are laying into BCS and aren't taking the news well. Are they really bad, or are people spoiled by HT and keep expecting their quality all the time?

OSW...? Yes, i've seen the 'BCS 007' thread there. Well, Hot Toys have made their share of mistakes. Granted, I only have 1 BCS figure, but from what I have seen of their other figures, I am not even remotely worried. I am looking forward to seeing BCS work through the films.

They'd be parts buys for me. If I like it I'll get a Connery head for my figure and that could be it.

I will buy them whole, but it would depend on the Bond, film, villain & Bond girl.

I started the thread on OSW and wasn't mentioning them directly, but, yes, that is indicative of what others have said. Cost is a big factor for me, I already have a Bond in a tux set up and ready to go, but, there hasn't been a head that I've liked yet. Just a head wouldn't be too costly.

I'm taking this news with a resounding "I don't know."

BCS's reputation:

PROS: Good communication; Good customer service (they TRY to make things right); Good sculpts.
CONS: BAD paint; Bodies are hit or miss (loose joints, etc); Clothing used to be bad, but it's gotten a lot better. Cost is way, WAY too high.

Bottom line: You don't feel like you get what you pay for. If they came it at around the $150 price point, they're acceptable. But at a price that's usually higher than HT, we expect HT quality (or better, even, if that's possible), and a lot of mass-produced bootlegs from no-name companies are doing better than BCS. So many companies are doing more for less and putting the market on it's head - I'm thinking QMX, Star Ace - that even HT is getting the stink eye lately on their pricing, so BCS is definitely in a bad place in most collector's minds.

I don't think it's that they don't try their best. I really believe that they do. I don't get the "we're the only game in town, so deal with it" vibe from them that you get from HT sometimes. It's just not competitive...right NOW. That said, some of the newer BCS prototypes are looking very, very good. If they come out the way they're shown, they may just be acceptable enough to bite the bullet and pay the $.

I also don't know how deep the license can go, really. Besides the Bonds - and even Lazenby and Dalton are probably tougher sells - how many figures are really wanted on the shelf? Odd Job, sure. Jaws. Blofeld(s). I'd buy all the main Ms, Qs, and even R, but those would be tough sells for a larger market.

And of course, all of that depends on $ and appearance.

Out of interest just how much do you think these things cost to make?

For example a man in a suit with a display base, accessories and hands.

Out of interest just how much do you think these things cost to make?

For example a man in a suit with a display base, accessories and hands.

Major cost is probably the license itself - you know that'll be high with Bond. And then you've got the designing, prototyping, sculpting, etc that becomes fixed costs that you have to spread across the line itself. Oh, and salaries of all the BCS employees and contractors too. So it's kindof a hard question to answer. Each individual figure probably costs $20 or less. It's that other stuff factored in that you struggle with.

The problem with BCS or Sideshow, is that they think they are at the level of the other big ones that are already overpriced.

...so they follow the trend!

But the truth is they are far from their standards. I mean, a BCS or Sideshow fig priced at, say, $150 would be worth it. The quality and price would be a fair match. But them asking for even higher prices than their superior competition is just unacceptable. Once again, what they make isn't horrible, it's just overpriced for what it is.

I'm going to be the guy who rains on the parade in my typical outspoken fashion even though I've practiced more diplomacy as of late ;)

Not a fan of this announcement. One bit.

In my opinion you could not have chosen a worse company to produce these figures. I'd have even been optimistic over a sideshow or threezero announcement and I'm no fan of those companies in the slightest, but BIg Chief is the worst of the worst of you ask me.

Even if Inigou is sculpting the heads which obviously is a big big win (one of my faves) they will undoubtably be ruined by bad production. Bad plastic, bad paint, odd incisions in the neck joint, misshapen proportions and the like.

Their bodies are sub par and the tailoring about on par with sideshow 8 years ago. For guys in suits if the suits and heads don't work... Nothing works.

Would I rather have no company doing them? No that's not it, I anticipate we will get a few good items, acessories and maybe a passable head here or there to customize with but as long as this company is holding the spot it prevents good bond figures from being made on a mass level.

And when their run is up it may be the last time we get bond figures if they drop the ball, and I'm saying I could be proven wrong. I suppose.... And I'd love to be, but the company's track record is consistently bad. Even back when they did the odd DCD figure it was always the worst of the bunch.

Major cost is probably the license itself - you know that'll be high with Bond. And then you've got the designing, prototyping, sculpting, etc that becomes fixed costs that you have to spread across the line itself. Oh, and salaries of all the BCS employees and contractors too. So it's kindof a hard question to answer. Each individual figure probably costs $20 or less. It's that other stuff factored in that you struggle with.

Thanks for your reply.

OK guys some facts for you...

The way licensing works is that you sign up for a minimum guarantee (MG). This is the amount that you guarantee to pay the licensor, irrespective of how many you make. For more prestigious licenses this amount can be very high indeed. The company then has to pay an advance amount of signing. Again this varies, but as you might imagine with a higher MG the advance is also higher. The licensee then pays a royalty fee per piece sold to effectively earn out the money to cover the MG and ideally more on top to pay the licensor.

Next up you have development costs, design, sculpting, tailoring prototyping etc. Depending upon who you use, this cost can be high. A certain sculptor who shall remain nameless, but who is very much in the limelight at the moment routinely quotes $10,000 for a head alone!

Next tooling, which depending upon what the figure comes with, and the number of separate tools required, can easily run to $20,000 for a single figure. I should add we are still talking a main a suit here, not an armour clad character, which would require a considerable amount of additional tools.

Now product cost, trust me $20 is way, way off. A standard 6 inch action figures will run to around $4-$6 per piece, so with all the bells and whistles of a 1:6 scale figure, all of which require individual hand operations to mass produce, the cost is $50+ at a minimum. I won't give specifics, but I will tell you that BIG Chief pay a good amount more than this per piece. Remember also that Chinese vendors require 100% payment before the goods can be shipped from their shores, there's no 30 days after invoice deal.

So simple math based on 1000 pieces would result in a cost price as...

Development $10.00
Tooling $20.00
Cost per Piece $55.00
Running total $85.00

Now this does not include additional costs including running costs, salaries, royalty fee, public and product insurance (required to sell into the US), freight insurance, returns etc etc.

Before you know it you're at $100 a piece for short runs.

What helps are larger volume runs, the kind of which Hot Toys see, but remember they will have HUGE MGs.

A little more math for you. A distributor looks for a preferable discount of 60% off selling price. The reality is that is simply not possible for high-end items, so let's base the math on 50% discount off selling price.

Selling Price $239.99
Discounted Distributor Cost $120.00 (50%)

Given the example cost per piece of $100 as a minimum and the selling price of $120 this leaves a $20 margin out of which all of the additional costs have to be deducted.

So prices are high and they have to be.

But could be used really high standard bodies and tailoring then?How much about could be new Bond line figures, Greggo?Could sculpts be with neck for better look?Thanks.

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