Something Sexy
Super Freak
I wanted to hear something like, "I love the smell of burnt Na'vi in the morning."

Actually that would have been most excellent.
I wanted to hear something like, "I love the smell of burnt Na'vi in the morning."
I wanted to hear something like, "I love the smell of burnt Na'vi in the morning."
i actually went to go see avatar today probably the last person on earth who hasnt seen it...
I go to the thread, and reply to a post. Thats how a forum works.
Just like i'm going to reply to Darren too..
I bet it was(not sarcastic), but all the good stuff was cut out. Leaving the film feeling very cliche. And while it wasnt a HUGE deal....I dunno. Now that it has a chance to win the Oscars, I feel very different about it.
Avatar has a script so obvious my eight-year-old nephew was able to predict what would happen all the way through.
Uhhhhhh, really?A two year old can predict the plot of star wars, spiderman, superman,hulk and lord of the rings, like somthing sexy said the movie is badass either way.
For me this was a familiar story ('civilised' modern man goes to live with primitive 'savage' people... turns around to like them, becomes one of them) but it was told very well. There was incredible action, the characters were actually emoting
A two year old can predict the plot of star wars, spiderman, superman,hulk and lord of the rings, like somthing sexy said the movie is badass either way.
There were characters in that movie?
There were characters in that movie? That was my biggest problem with it. Avatar is basically the world's longest FX showreel. The "characters" have the life and depth of those in The Phantom Menace or Transformers, which is a sign of how pedestrian the script is.
Wow, If I didn't know better, I'd think you were trolling.