James Cameron's AVATAR discussion thread

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ROTF did suck. The thing with Avatar is more people can relate and connect to the film giving it that "touch" that has effected alot of people.

I didn't like the 1st 20mins or so of District 9, but after that it got good. No way it wins the Oscar.

I haven't seen Hurt Locker but since Star Trek isn't nominated, I think Inglourius Bastards should take best Picture. But I could careless which movie wins. I imagine Avatar will get the Nod.
In case no one has posted this, I thought it was pretty funny.

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James Cameron just told USA Today that the extended edition of Avatar may get a theatrical release this fall:

USA Today: When is Avatar coming out in 3D on Blu-ray?

Cameron: We're not officially announcing it right now but I'm hoping for fall. The wildcard is that we might be re-releasing the movie this fall. It's kind of gotten stomped out (in theaters) because of Alice in Wonderland. The word we're getting back from exhibitors is we probably left a couple of hundred million dollars on the table as a result. The question is the appetite still going to be there after the summer glut of movies. We're going to assess that. We're talking about maybe adding in additional footage and doing something creative.

Of course everyone is going to bash the idea of Avatar being released late summer or early fall.
But when you consider people still were going to see the movie, then just after all the nominations and awards it won, it loses the 3D theatres to Alice, I can see why they would want to put it back in.

But also, some people will actually want to see it once again, and with some new scenes if so.
I'm telling you...after sitting thru a summer of all the crappy 3D movies that will be coming out, and half-assed 3D effect, I will be glad to go see Avatar once more to wash it all away.
I already just sat through one movie where the 3D was not a big deal. Alice. So there's movie #1.
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I wasn't amazed by Avatar in 3D, I loved the film but wasn't doing kart-wheels from the 3D. Even-though I liked Avatar I'm kinda of glad it didn't win Best Pic. Cameron seems stuck up. I could kinda see were the haters play their part, mostly from all the craze the film got. Its a great movie but got greatly over-rated. I actually thought the same happened to Dark Night for me. But everyone is different, so different movies will effect people in different ways. I was happy to see a good Sci-Fi flick.
Don't get the comment about Alice in Wonderland "stomping out" Avatar... is that because its demanding more of the 3D capable screens?

I mean, its not like Avatar is hurting being knocked down to 7th place after 13 weeks :lol
I hearby dub Cameron "Lucas II". It's all about technology and box office. And he's even following the same pattern of quality depreciation in his work.
I hearby dub Cameron "Lucas II". It's all about technology and box office. And he's even following the same pattern of quality depreciation in his work.

You aren't excited to see the Jake/Neytiri inter-species sex scene!?

Not really excited about making old movies 3D... 3D is not necessary for all movies. It is great for animated films and things like Avatar... but some its just a waste.

Alice in Wonderland is a perfect example... the 3D in that film did nothing for me.