Get used to it, potential cash-cow at the box office.
"Avatardzation" of the movies.![]()
I'm weary of an extended cut for Avatar. Cameron edited the film to make the December release date (even enlisting ILM to join Weta in completing FX shots at the last minute) and the result was a film shockingly devoid of weak scenes.
Even the LOTR films had some eye rolling scenes (Legolas surfing on the shield, questionable comic relief with Gimli, etc.) and I wonder if Cameron's relentless cutting of 40 minutes of originally desired footage is the reason the same doesn't hold true for Avatar.
Artistic brilliance is often born out of adversity or limitations on what can be put on screen. I can't imagine how a full-on sex scene or Tsu Tey getting drunk at a tribal party can in any way enhance the film that we've already seen.
I can't imagine how a full-on sex scene can in any way enhance the film that we've already seen.
With the right person sex makes everything better![]()
You aren't excited to see the Jake/Neytiri inter-species sex scene!?
Then you'll be thrilled to learn that he reported to USA Today that 2012 (the 100th anniversary of the actual event) will see a 3D theatrical rerelease of Titanic.
Not really excited about making old movies 3D... 3D is not necessary for all movies. It is great for animated films and things like Avatar... but some its just a waste.
Alice in Wonderland is a perfect example... the 3D in that film did nothing for me.
I think Avatar would have been better if the cut 30 minutes out! I don't want more ____ added in.![]()
If nothing more than to answer the question of whether they connect tails, etc.![]()
lots of Avatardize people on this board.
I agree 100%![/QUOTE
Jeez dude you have to be the biggest hypocrite, i mean come on. If some guy came in a predator thread and said predators sucked you would say the same thing. So just becuase i liked the movie im not aloud to defend it when people bash it. I dont understand this fandom.
I havent seen one avatard in here, nobody has painted themselves blue at all, Lemme guess the person that says avatar is better then the hurt locker is deemed an avatard right ? Omg.
lots of lozers here too![]()
If you are going to insult a long-standing member you might want to use spellcheck.
I agree 100%![/QUOTE
Jeez dude you have to be the biggest hypocrite, i mean come on. If some guy came in a predator thread and said predators sucked you would say the same thing. So just becuase i liked the movie im not aloud to defend it when people bash it. I dont understand this fandom.
I havent seen one avatard in here, nobody has painted themselves blue at all, Lemme guess the person that says avatar is better then the hurt locker is deemed an avatard right ? Omg.
Point 1: Probably. Because anyone who hates Predator is a sissy puss girl.
Point 2: Yes, you can defend it. But you dont always need to. You act like the movie is perfect, and what we who loved the movie, yet find it's problems, to be insane and untrue...when they arent.
Point 3: I've seen atleast 5.
Point 4: Yes. Yes they are.
Point 300-
Point 4: