Super Freak
I hope it makes second of all time , it deserves it imo.
Are sequels confirmed or was that just speculation ?.
Are sequels confirmed or was that just speculation ?.
I hope it makes second of all time , it deserves it imo.
Are sequels confirmed or was that just speculation ?.
It has already made over 300 million in like a weeks time! I think your underestimating. China and Japan and much of the U.S. with snow storms havent even seen it yet.
Saw it today.
1. Cliche
2. Predictable
3. Nothing original
But, I thought it was really good. Visually, it is probably the most impressive movie I have ever seen. Some parts were truly beautiful to behold.
Story, meh. I was one part Dances With Wolves, one part Nightbreed and one part Aliens.
NOTHING original in the story, but it was still entertaining. It was pretty much what I expected it to be. Still better than about 90% of the crap that Hollywood turns out on a regular basis.
Cameron makes good movies, thats the bottom line. A solid eight out of ten. I wish I was 10 years old and seeing this, it would blow my freakin mind![]()
If James Cameron says that Battle Angel Alita will be the greatest film ever, I think what would result on these forums and the internet as a whole would be a mirror copy of reactions to Avatar.
a 33 years old man, who likes substance and story over big explosion and shiny colors when watching a movie.
I'd give it a 3 or 4/10 at best ... based solely on the spectacle of the thing. Like I said -- extremely impressive visuals. Cameron should've invested more of his $500M on writing ...
The story was a joke.
A human gets lost among the wise and nature-connected natives. At first, they don't accept him. But, he goes through their trials and becomes one of them (by taming a small pterodactyl, because NO ONE can tame the slightly bigger pterodactyl). Then he gets rejected again the white man betrays them by toppling their giant tree ... led by two of the most one-dimensional villains in cinematic history -- (1) the bloodthirsty marine (a knockoff of R.Lee Ermey) who just likes watching indians bleed, and (2) the money-hungry corporate stooge who'd kill an infant with his bare hands for a nickel (chasing after a mineral called "unobtainium" ... how inventive). Blah, blah.
The human must re-win the trust of the wise treeless natives, so he tames the big pterodactyl (it didn't appear any more difficult than the small pterodactyl) ... wahoo. He gives a cheesy melodramatic speech (they can take our lives, but they'll never take our freedom ... today is our independence day!), rallies the natives, and becomes the leader of the blue indians. Several shallow meaningless characters (red shirts) die in the meantime (to prove that the situation is serious) ... the altruistic scientist, the gung-ho helicopter pilot that realized the error of her ways and the beauty of the blue nature-people, the wise indian chief, the lead indian warrior .... I had to choke back the tears.
The new indian leader prays to the tree of mother nature for help. The indians attack to preempt the human "shock-and-awe", "daisy-cutter" campaign (very subtle cultural references there). At first, it goes well because the indians' wooden arrows can all of a sudden pierce the windshields of military vehicles ... what luck! Then it looks bad, because arrows still suck. But, then the day is saved when the magic tree unleashes the woodland creatures (apparently just finished cleaning Snow White's cabin) who defeat the big, bad military and save the magic tree forever (THAT'S the ending that this 3-hours were building up to?!?! A magic tree controlled by mother nature? Yippee.)
The human decides to permanently become a blue indian. There is happiness among the nature-people.
Who writes this stuff? There wasn't an unpredictable moment in this entire movie. The characters were shallow and one-dimensional. The story was tired and cliche'd. It was a complete mess with impressive visual effects.
And, for the record, I loved the Dark Knight ... so I'm hardly a contrarian (I don't dislike things just because they're popular ... I dislike things just because they suck). And, I'm complaining on this thread because I spent $12.00 on this movie, and I want to get $12.00 worth of amusement out of it.
Yay! You finally saw it! Was it in 3D IMAX?Just saw this movie... WOW. I loved it. Absolutley awesome. I don't care if it wasn't original or if some people found it predictable. I thought it was awesome and the visuals were unbelivable. I'll be going in imax 3d again if they extend it in my nearest one.
Just because you are my cousin Dave, doesnt mean you know everything I do.......I have indeed seen it yesterday.
And I really dont like the story and think this film and the fanatism of its fans are a farce.Is it my fault if I dont like everything because it has nice bright color in it.I like to criticize....Sorry...
For me, a masterpiece of a movie is something like Inglorious Basterds.
Not this.
Cameron actually made some comments in relation to those blue nips in a playboy interview
Won't post the link though since there might be children viewing this forum.
I hope it makes second of all time , it deserves it imo.
Are sequels confirmed or was that just speculation ?.
It has already made over 300 million in like a weeks time! I think your underestimating. China and Japan and much of the U.S. with snow storms havent even seen it yet.
I just checked box office mojo and its made well over 400 million already. Your prediction is a little shy Bannister
I can't imagine the sequel having AVATAR in the title. Unless they send more Avatars to Pandora, which would seem pointless for a 2nd film.
It was a very unique film experience....I have never seen anything like it before. It was a great epic film and I think it should be just one film and not a trilogy.
I am talking domestic, not worldwide.
Personally, I LOVED AVATAR Im a huge James Cameron fan but this movie was awesome in every way. Effects, CHaracters, And story!, people say the story isnt original but if you think about it, we should commend james cameron that he could tell a classic story so well. I know everyone says its so Dances with wolves and Pocohauntas and all that bull???? !!.But i dont remember them on another planet..and not in the future and i defintly dont remember AVatars. Everyone neeeds to see this movie. trust me.
Yes its not the story that makes the movie but how its told and in avatar it was original.