He publicly apologized for these Tweets in 2012, near the first Guardians. This is oooold news. Only Trump deplorables feel he should be fired.
Disney is a Trump Deplorable? Ummm…….no.
He publicly apologized for these Tweets in 2012, near the first Guardians. This is oooold news. Only Trump deplorables feel he should be fired.
I'm at a place now where I ****ing despise both the right and the left.
I still say it’s a hell of a coincidence if it isn’t, but what of his comments on women? He ignores it and waits for it to blow over and it does. Why? Because his supporters think he’s the only man in America who shouldn’t be held accountable for his actions. If this whole James Gunn thing surfaced from, like, some Jezebel exposé or some ultra left wing cadre of perpetually offended individuals, I wouldn’t bat an eye. I would expect it from them, but when FOX News parades this around as though it’s indisputable evidence of some Hollywood sex trafficking cabal? It’s pathetic and only further highlights their hypocrisy.
I think you are correct, in that the reason this happened was that Disney, similar to how they handled the Roseanne situation not long ago, wanted to avoid a public backlash and a negative public relations situation. But I think they are overreacting, in both cases. In the United States historically, we liked to give people Second Chances, and accept that people make mistakes, in the case of Roseanne, or can change, in the case of James Gunn, who clearly has become a more white bread and corporately appealing figure since he has joined Disney.
But across the board we see this major backlash against anybody who makes any kind of mistake nowadays. And more and more often we see a backlash when someone didn't seem to do anything all that bad at all. Or when there is no evidence to support accusations. Frankly, it's very worrisome to me. Somebody has a bad date like the Azari guy, or someone has a girlfriend say a negative thing about him that isn't substantiated by any other evidence like the Hardwick guy, and their careers can be dealt major blows or even be ended right away. And worse, there seems to be a kind of equivalency drawn between those situations and something truly heinous like Harvey Weinstein. I don't agree with it. We are all human beings and everyone makes mistakes. But I guess that's the world we live in today. Everybody is so damn sensitive.
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Good as the Guardians director but tweets have consequences and taking pot shots at Ben Shapiro was stupid while defending the actors lack of backbone.
It's funny watching liberals showing outrage against conservatives on this one. I'm conservative and while I think Gunn's 10 year old tweets do make him a total loser (or at least he was back then) I definitely don't think he should have been fired for something offensive he said or did that wasn't an actual crime. Nor do I think that Mel Gibson should have been blacklisted for a decade after his drunkenly belligerent rant but there you go.
Now do I feel "sorry" for Gunn that he got fired? Not particularly. If liberals want to live by the sword (firing/silencing anyone/anything they find offensive) then they should be prepared to die by the sword as well. I still think that from here on out people should focus on crimes committed in the here and now, not mere "offenses" committed in the past.
That's not Trump mocking a reporter's disability, that's simply CNN and the rest of the liberal media fabricating context that wasn't there. Trump does those same hand motions anytime he mocks someone (including Republican opponents like Ted Cruz):
Is it juvenile? Yes. Is it unfortunate that that one reporter turned out to have a real disability? Also yes. But it's also the 10 millionth time the media twisted the truth against Trump in order to make a mountain out of a mole hill.
I'm not sure Disney will feel comfortable with slave leia. Seriously. Times are changing and Disney is really sensitive to this stuff, obviously.Oh snap, Disney bought Fox?
Unaltered original theatrical SW trilogy on blu ray and 4K?
Or......is it a be careful what you wish for thing, as they digitally remove every male officer and add dozens of shots of Holdo and porgs on every planet and stuff like that??
I'm not sure Disney will feel comfortable with slave leia. Seriously. Times are changing and Disney is really sensitive to this stuff, obviously.
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Can't say it's a huge loss. GotG 1 was a surprise hit and GotG 2 sucked.
Taika would be a great choice, but there are lots of other talented creative minds out there who might also be able to bring something fun and interesting to the table.
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Supposedly James Gunn actually deleted most of those tweets a long time ago, but a conservative-aligned group dug all of them up from internet archives and released them to the general public due to some of his political comments.
FFS, I want to find a solid source on that but if it's the case then Disney is most certainly in the wrong here. Also Dave Bautista (Drax) is NOT happy. https://twitter.com/DaveBautista/status/1020502763430559744
Agreed. But there is a lot of tribalism out there, and people want their 'team to win.' Gunn has always had a twisted sense of humor, but that can leave to great creative ventures. Slither led to GOTG. Peter Jackson had the most twisted movie of all time Dead Alive, and he eventually brought the LOTR to cinema.
At the end of the day, its tweets. It is not your words that define you, but your actions.
But its the climate nowadays. Some kind of cross between right-wing puritanism and left-wing mob justice I suppose.
There is a fine line what is funny and what is serious sorry. If there is no line than we can joke about anything...killing kids, killing parents, raping mothers, or your mother (Not personal, just an example.), childs, drop bombs on innocent people etc.. There has to be a line because if you give too many rights to people the hole **** will go down and fast. I am sure after his pedhopile tweets you do not want your kids to spend a week with him...and I hope you get my point.