Japan hit by 8.8 magnitude quake - major tsunami event underway

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Oh, I know too well. ;)

The ones I'm talking about seemed pretty genuine in their opinion... :cuckoo:
Is this real?


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There really was an explosion, just not a meltdown.
That last map image is also a real "estimate" (a what if type of thing), but the situation still appears to be under control. Main containment is still intact and that's what really matters. They've started pumping seawater (not sure exactly when that happened) to cool down the reactor, which should take 5-10 hours. Radiation levels have apparently dropped a bit and some cooling has occured, though they're not out of the woods quite just yet. We'll have to get more updates throughout the day. News sources say they've escaped by a narrow margin on this one.
Pretty sure the fallout map is just a creation of folks on 2chan or 4chan. No official word on whether it's legit.

Also, the explosion in the first pic is unrelated to last night's explosion in ___ushima.
Is this real?


Speaking of this explosion, check out this vid and keep watching until the end. At about 01:50 the shockwave is captured on camera.

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If I remember correctly, doesn't nuclear fallout drop to normal levels in 2 days? Maybe that's after it hits the ground?
I am having a hard time with the legitimacy of the map? If you do a search it never seem to come up at a single news site, only seems to show up on forums and sites like that.
There were some rumors of that map being fake. Either way, the radiation levels won't be that high. People near the power plant in Japan will have to be careful, but that map seems to imply an unprotected and uncontained meltdown. That's not the case. It'll be bad, just nowhere near Chernobyl bad. Chernobyl was a friggin' disaster, I mean the reactor there was quite primitive and stood clear above ground :cuckoo:. There are a lot more precautions taken at this site both in terms of barriers and in terms of where the reactor is located.

Finally, someone with reasoning on CNN. You get about 100 times more radiation from a hospital CT scan than you would standing at the ___ushima nuclear plant in its current state (now we know what all the controversy is about).
Radiation is being detected around the site because it's being vented. Nuclear engineering professor from Georgia Tech believes a major meltdown is not occuring. Even if it is, the precautions taken when building one of these plants would prevent a huge release like the media makes it out to be. W00T!
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a crazy thing is that I was planning on going to Japan this month and I would have been there when the earthquake hit.

My mother in law is going on a cruise and was supposed to get into Tokyo (then onto Singapore) Friday afternoon. The flight was canceld and she got another flight Saturday so she was close to being at the airport.
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