Jazzinc 1/6 Batman 1989 Batmobile

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Yeah I wish all the 89 lovers could afford it. It’s a masterpiece.
Me too, I wasn’t supposed to buy it but I was lucky to sell my HT 2 weeks before HT reissue announcement at a very good price…
2 weeks later I would have been stuck…
From FB


This is what I paid in shipping fees for the boat to the US.
This is the estimate email chart, the price is pretty close. Only off by like $0.20.

Not sure what that $300 amount indicates. If that was for Air, I would of probably did that option...
We dont get custom taxed in the US for toys regardless of shipping method. I've never been taxed for anything yet in the 30+ years of buying things from China and Japan.
I thought custom tax was based on some type of purchase amount or value threshold?

All the JND 1:3 statues get hit with tax but those are usually $2,500 to $3,500 per statue - IIRC, roughly 10%.

SpecFic usually handles all the paperwork and bakes the tax/shipping into the price but the buyer is responsible to pay this separate when purchasing direct from JND.
We dont get custom taxed in the US for toys regardless of shipping method. I've never been taxed for anything yet in the 30+ years of buying things from China and Japan.
Buff said he was charged with customs for the ‘22 Batmobile from JazzInc. I think he said like $60 or something. US based.

Certain amount I believe as well, unless the shipper significantly devalues it, which Joost won’t do for obvious reasons.
I've bought a few statues from Prime 1 and XM didn't get hit with any taxes. Skull Knight on horseback was like $3k. Also purchased lots of expensive items from HLJ and AmiAmi with no taxes, I've been using HLJ since 1998. Many expensive purchases from Evilbay too, but that's all subjective. Thats just been my experience, perhaps I've now jinxed myself for all future endeavors?!
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Buff said he was charged with customs for the ‘22 Batmobile from JazzInc. I think he said like $60 or something. US based.

Certain amount I believe as well, unless the shipper significantly devalues it, which Joost won’t do for obvious reasons.
$55.51 in duty to be exact lol. As this is the same price as the '22 I would expect something similar. That was an air shipment (FedEx) but I don't know why a sea shipment would be treated any different.

Mine’s ship date has been pushed back to January 30th. :(

Mine dropped back from Halloween to November 30th.
I reached out to Joost and he confirmed that with the updates he's doing he did indeed reduce the batch sizes, hence why some of us got bumped from our previous ship dates. My only concern is that I usually travel between Xmas and New Year's, so hopefully that sea shipment estimate of 35-40 days is accurate.