lol@$300 head sculpts
Yeah. I went from"I'll never get this" to, wait, what?
That is truly insane looking.
That is truly insane looking.
Wow 47in long is as big as ecto one in length. Jazzinc please look into making shelves or partnering with a company for display shelves. This is gonna be a big car.
That is what man caves are for!I love how it looks and though pricey that is not the defining factor for me.
It's just too big.
My wife gives me a huge amount of leeway with this hobby but when her dining room table becomes the home for a toy car... bridge too far.
He already said it's not interfering because there is lag time in between projects. He's just filling production time potential with the 68. 68 Looks decent. Crazy how different it looks with different wheels, jet column and paint.I doubt we will get either version. They seem more focused on the 66 variant.
Episodes that give some hints of possible (somewhat superfluous but fun) rarely showcased gadgets that could be added.Joost- What should we do with the bottom though?