Jesse Ventura punched in the mouth by Navy Seal

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So taking out Osama Bin Laden had the same effect on the Taliban as taking out Achmed the 21st. Got it.

A sniper is a marksman, killing a high class target doen't all of a sudden make you a better marksman, so it doesn't make you a better sniper, again a kill is a kill regarless of who it is. You have to be able to shoot first and that makes the sniper. Hitting high class targets doens't make you a better shot, but it does help the war effort.

And killing Bin Laden hasn't really changed much, just saying.
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And of course, it's easy to criticize various U.S. covert operations and other military actions from the Cold War in hindsight. But at the time the threat of the expanding sphere of Soviet influence was very real and frightening. The results of allowing communists to "take over" Korea, or Vietnam, or various Central and South American countries could potentially have been catastrophic.

I don't agree with everything the U.S. has done in that I don't think it always acts in its own best national interests (nor in the interests of the global community broadly defined). But there are costs to inaction as there are costs to action, and we really don't know what would have happened if the U.S. hadn't done X, Y, or Z. But there are positives that, in part, come out of U.S. actions. For instance, the Arab Spring which was facilitated by both overt U.S. military action, information warfare, and political and economic influences. Also, the downfall of the Soviet Union, the expansion of political and economic freedoms in China, the Marshall Plan and role in developing European organizations that ultimately became the EU, which ensured that military conflict among historic enemies would be done away with while allowing for countries with weak economies (such as Ireland) to be helped until they were able to stand on their own two feet.
Alot of your so called freedoms are at the expence of other peoples freedoms ......people that dont have statelite backed drones and missiles launched from out at sea, americas one of the only countries in the last 100 years who have never been invaded by another country, yet how many countries have you invaded? you went and invaded grenada for the love of are what you prentend to fight against....and as china rises and the 3rd world shifts in to the 1st, all that massive military industrial complex you guys created will be turned back on the american people, you can see it allready happening today but you seem to represent a good deal of american opinion.......its hollywood good guys and bad guys......6 year old stuff

What freedoms to I have at your expense?

What do you mean, it's the targets that make a sniper? The targets are all the same (people), It's the distance that makes a sniper. A sniper can do 5 tours and kill 100 people at only 500 feet away or a sniper who did 5 tours and only got 5 kills, but each one at over a mile away, that makes a sniper (distance) not targets (since every target is the same).

The higher the value of the target is, the higher the risk is. And there's considerably more risk at 500 feet away than there is at over a mile away. You should read up more. :wink1: If bodycount was all that mattered, pilots of Airforce bombers would be spanking the hell out of snipers. :lol
From the video posted here l am not sure who to believe, The sniper said he hit Jesse, Jesse says it didnt happen. I don't see the reason for the Sniper to lie to promote his book, he has already done enough.

He also says he ran away from the bar after, that sounds like a true statement, if he is lying l am sure he would say after Jesse went down he left the bar in a more manly way like with girls under each arm. Jesse has more reason to lie then this sniper l think. Who knows.
From the video posted here l am not sure who to believe, The sniper said he hit Jesse, Jesse says it didnt happen. I don't see the reason for the Sniper to lie to promote his book, he has already done enough.

He also says he ran away from the bar after, that sounds like a true statement, if he is lying l am sure he would say after Jesse went down he left the bar in a more manly way like with girls under each arm. Jesse has more reason to lie then this sniper l think. Who knows.

I've had the luxury of meeting dozens of SEALs over the years and that doesn't sound like a single one of them.
What freedoms to I have at your expense?

The higher the value of the target is, the higher the risk is. And there's considerably more risk at 500 feet away than there is at over a mile away. You should read up more. :wink1: If bodycount was all that mattered, pilots of Airforce bombers would be spanking the hell out of snipers. :lol

not at my expense......but for a modern up to date example try mexico all hells breaking out in mexico right now to feed americas cocaine buy the coke and sell em the guns and weapons to carry on enjoying your well earned freedoms just like colombia in the eighties you left that place in turmoil up to today, the one or two states that try and break away from the master and slave mentality like cuba or venezuela and your media who are no more then an arm of government try to demonise them to the world and the american public....(think they are starting to give up on the rest of the world and focussing more on there own citizens)......your trying to start a war at the moment with iran on behalf of israel.....another great benifit to the world .....thank you! the world needs a nuclear israel threatening nuclear inhililation of its neibhours....and the way its played out iran who has no nukes whats to nuke israel and israel just wants peace......but if you check the real facts iran did not threaten israel ....his quote was i want to destroy zionism......zionism is an extreme political way of thinking....thats what he wants to destroy ,he said its racist....but the real threat of nuking iran has been put out by the israelis and yet your media plays them as the victims......everything i said can be easily checked but its not about truth just propaganda and justification and deep down you know it and accept it.......its the american way.
@ Surfin4
Hate to tell you bud but China isn't attached to the States. Besides they already conquered Most of Europe once.
As for America's Coke addiction, I couldn't tell you really anything about... What the little countries need to understand is the US is really big and as a whole, incredibly diverse.

As for truth vs. propaganda, well truth really doesn't exist in the context of black and white like your trying to portray it. Someone from a country famous for its terrorists should probably know this... just saying.

Are there problems in the States? Absolutely. Do we need someone who's not here tellin' us about them, well probably not.

There's a myriad of things off with what you put as truths... but as is the American way, sine your insignicant I shall ignore you...
not at my expense......but for a modern up to date example try mexico all hells breaking out in mexico right now to feed americas cocaine buy the coke and sell em the guns and weapons.

There was a big scandal (operation fast and furious) where the U.S. was supplying large amounts of weapons illegally to mexican drug cartels and at tleast 200 mexicans died from those weapons, including an American boarder agent.
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not at my expense......but for a modern up to date example try mexico all hells breaking out in mexico right now to feed americas cocaine buy the coke and sell em the guns and weapons to carry on enjoying your well earned freedoms just like colombia in the eighties you left that place in turmoil up to today, the one or two states that try and break away from the master and slave mentality like cuba or venezuela and your media who are no more then an arm of government try to demonise them to the world and the american public....(think they are starting to give up on the rest of the world and focussing more on there own citizens)

Only an idiot would blame the addict for the coke dealer. :lol That very mindset is the same mindset the Nazis had regarding Jews.

......your trying to start a war at the moment with iran on behalf of israel.....another great benifit to the world .....thank you! the world needs a nuclear israel threatening nuclear inhililation of its neibhours....and the way its played out iran who has no nukes whats to nuke israel and israel just wants peace......but if you check the real facts iran did not threaten israel ....his quote was i want to destroy zionism......zionism is an extreme political way of thinking....thats what he wants to destroy ,he said its racist....but the real threat of nuking iran has been put out by the israelis and yet your media plays them as the victims

Because shooting large groups of people dead because they disagree with the leader is the sign of a good government, right? As for Iran and Israel, it's a matter of tribes and last time I checked, that war was THOUSANDS of years old. Maybe you should crack open a history book.

......everything i said can be easily checked but its not about truth just propaganda and justification and deep down you know it and accept it.......its the american way.

Everything you said I'm sure can easily be checked and is probably easily verified on every jihadist, tinfoil hat, conspiracy website on the planet. So I guess it's just a matter of who or what you believe.

Glad to see that while you're sitting in your local pub, on your small, isolated island, getting pissed, you can easily point the finger at everybody else instead of looking inward and dealing with the main issue.
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Riveting discussion here. But I must say that the lack of proper grammar, spelling, and punctuation somewhat weakens arguments concerning the complexities of contemporary history, economics, and international politics.
Actually fast and furious was just a continuation of a Bush era operation. I guess now they have less to complain about so FAF is making news...
Actually FAF is in the news because some americans got killed by those guns...
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There was a big scandal (operation fast and furious) where the U.S. was supplying large amounts of weapons illegally to mexican drug cartels and at tleast 200 mexicans died from those weapons, including an American boarder agent.
Just to specify, the U.S Department Of Justice is responsible for that. Before it's all said and done it will be proven that it was let happen as an excuse to get rid of our 2ND. Amendment. I think it will also be traced all the way to the top.
There not getting rid of the 2nd Amendment. Modifications will come and go but americans will always have guns.
Thats why you don't life in San could be said for New York i suppose...
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