Re: Joker PF (updates first post)
Thanks dude, and congrats to you too!
Thanks dude, and congrats to you too!
My processing is 9th
I hope mine converts DH. We were close in order placement I thought.
Thanks dude, and congrats to you too!
ya we r ........ mine still not converted but i m sure it is going to be sOon
thanks mine is not converted Peedi i m on new waitlist which SS Started on 12th June thats why i asked u date n time.....there is all-ready 1 conversion from that reopened waitlist .....we all r in Q hope every freaks gets one
SS emails you when it converts, correct? or do you have to keep checking your reservation on the site?
When you log into your account on the right hand side of the screen is a little calender & they have highlights over specific dates.
On the 9th mine is grey which according to the legend underneath means that a Pre-order will be processing
Not long now buddy
A couple of pics that were copied and pasted from another forum...
I hope it works out for you guys. I wait listed back in early September last year.
Thanks mate, just checked mine and it's the same
Not long at all
I thought they closed that waitlist and reopened a completely new one in june. Or did your waitlist convert back in september?
I got the convert email last night, I was at work so I just saw it this morning. I waitlisted early September and didn't get any other notice or status change since then until now.
Maybe closing the WL just locked people out of joining it and they reopened the same list? Because mine was never dropped from my original order.
I'm really happy the QC has stepped right back up. The last 3 SSC release of Skaar, Colossus and Joker has been great. Hope it's a new trend again with SSC. Congrats everyone that got the Joker. The ex head is killer here
I got the convert email last night, I was at work so I just saw it this morning. I waitlisted early September and didn't get any other notice or status change since then until now.
Maybe closing the WL just locked people out of joining it and they reopened the same list? Because mine was never dropped from my original order.
Notice that the realy poor QC release have been most all female characters while these good ones have been males. . .
The big test will be with The Baroness release next month and if she's gonna messed up or not
Well the face on the prototype already looks pretty bad to begin with so she'll probably be fine.
looks perfect to me, glasses could be better but the face and paint look great, hopefully this is the outcome of all the bad qc problems this past year, hopefully they stepped up their game, as Joker and Jessica Rabbit look superb.
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