Super Freak
GLEE uses famous songs all the time from major artists. I wonder how they have done it for so long? I'm not sure they mention who the artist is before they sing every song. I definitely think that the makers of the GLEE should not be able to sell any of their renditions of other musicians songs they perform. The fact that it's on free TV makes me think it isn't that big of a deal for them to perform it on the show, but selling a copy of the song would be over the line.
By the way, I think this Johnathan Coulton version compared to the original is like the new Total Recall compared to the original Total Recall.
I don't think the lyrics fit the melody on Coulton's. I think it sounds ridiculous.
You wonder how they've done it for so long... instead of wondering, educate yourself on copyright law, as this is what this is really all about.
I think, I think, I think.
This isn't about what you think. What you think reveals the depth and breadth of your willful ignorance on the subject at every turn. How about for one second you stop thinking and start reading up on copyright law.
Your opinion is like a fart in an elevator. It fills the whole place, leaves an impression on everyone there, but is ultimately revolting and without any real value or benefit to anyone.